
This library wraps the NoshPOS API and allows you to retrieve paginated basic data from NoshPOS.

1.2.23 2019-01-25 01:43 UTC


This library wraps the NoshPOS API and allows you to retrieve paginated basic data from NoshPOS.



  1. Add the wrapper to your composer.json and run composer install
  2. Load the wrapper namespace in your code: use NoshPOS\APIWrapper
  3. Instantiate the API wrapper: $noshpos = new NoshPOS($clientId, $clientSecret, $url)


  1. Instantiate a NoshPOS API wrapper object, pass along your client id and secret.
  2. $noshPOS->customers()->get($pageSize, $pageIndex). By passing page size 1 and index 0, the wrapper would return one customer.

Example Implementation

See example/ directory.

Unit Tests

Run vendor/bin/phpunit on the tests directory to execute the test suite.


First version of this wrapper written by John Jensen, with help from Celso Fernandes.