
PHP Package for onlinebetaalplatform

1.0.4 2017-08-29 09:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 06:25:21 UTC


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This project is not maintained anymore

Download the package using composer

Install package by running the command:

$ composer require nimbles-nl/online-betaal-platform

Initializing OnlineBetaalPlatform

$guzzle = new Client();
$apiToken = 'secret-token';
$apiUrl = '';

$onlineBetaalPlatform = new OnlineBetaalPlatform($guzzle, $apiToken, $apiUrl);

Send a payment request

$amount = 10050; // in cents 100 = 1 euro.
$payment = new Payment('', $amount);

$product = new Product('Apple pie', 950, 1);

$payment = $onlineBetaalPlatform->createTransaction($payment);

$payment->getUid();  // remember this uuid..

return new RedirectResponse($payment->getRedirectUrl());

Receive a payment request

$uuid = 'uuid-received-from-create-method-above';

$payment = $onlineBetaalPlatform->getTransaction($uuid);

if ($payment->isSuccess()) {
    // Your payment is successful
} else {
    // Oops try again..

Receive Payments

$payments = $onlineBetaalPlatform->getTransactions();

Initializing Merchants Manager

$guzzle = new Client();
$apiToken = 'secret-token';
$apiUrl = '';

$merchantManager = new MerchantsManager($guzzle, $apiToken, $apiUrl);

Create Merchant

$merchant = $merchantManager->createMerchant('Klaas', 'Bruinsma', '', '0031612345678');