
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the neunerlei/filesystem package instead.

FORKED: A robust cross-platform utility for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths, with extended functionality.

2.4.0 2020-03-02 18:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-09-08 10:06:50 UTC


To follow the approach of webmozart/path-util I merged the path functionallity into neunerlei/filesystem, which should be used in the future as I see this repository as deprecated. I did not migrate the "makeUri" method into the filesystem bundle, as it is not really related to "filesystem" actions. So, you have to create an alternative for that yourself by using the Leage/Uri component directly.

File Path Utility (FORKED)

This package provides robust, cross-platform utility functions for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths and URLs.

ATTENTION: This is a fork of path-util by webmozart!

PHP >= 7.3.0

What's different?

  • Removed "Url" utility and replaced it with URI by PHP League
  • Added new methods to the Path class
  • Added tests for the new methods
  • Updated PHP dependency to 7.3.0
  • Updated existing code to use PHP Type Hints
  • Updated tests to work with the modified code (Mostly to support the Type Hints)
  • Removed dependency on "webmozart/assert"
  • The Path class is no longer a "final" class
  • All private methods of the Path class are now "protected"
  • Removed build related files


The utility can be installed with Composer:

$ composer require neunerlei/path-util

Basic Usage

Use the Path class to handle file paths:

use Neunerlei\PathUtil\Path;

// These methods are added by this fork
// ==========================================================
echo Path::unifySlashes("\\foo/bar\\baz");
// => /foo/bar/baz (on linux) or \foo\bar\baz (on windows)

echo Path::unifyPath("\\foo/bar\\baz");
// => /foo/bar/baz/ (on linux) or \foo\bar\baz\ (on windows)

echo Path::classBasename(\Neunerlei\PathUtil\Path::class);
// => Path

echo Path::classNamespace(\Neunerlei\PathUtil\Path::class);
// => Neunerlei\PathUtil

$link = Path::makeUri();
// => Returns a new Uri object -> See "URI" Section for details.

// Those methods were already in the base implementation
// ==========================================================
echo Path::canonicalize('/var/www/vhost/webmozart/../config.ini');
// => /var/www/vhost/config.ini

echo Path::canonicalize('C:\Programs\Webmozart\..\config.ini');
// => C:/Programs/config.ini

echo Path::canonicalize('~/config.ini');
// => /home/webmozart/config.ini

echo Path::makeAbsolute('config/config.yml', '/var/www/project');
// => /var/www/project/config/config.yml

echo Path::makeRelative('/var/www/project/config/config.yml', '/var/www/project/uploads');
// => ../config/config.yml

$paths = array(

// => /var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs

// => index.html.twig

// => index.html

Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'html.twig');
Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', '.html.twig');
// => index

// => twig

// => true

Path::hasExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'twig');
// => true

Path::hasExtension('/images/profile.jpg', array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'));
// => true

Path::changeExtension('/images/profile.jpeg', 'jpg');
// => /images/profile.jpg

Path::join('phar://C:/Documents', 'projects/my-project.phar', 'composer.json');
// => phar://C:/Documents/projects/my-project.phar/composer.json

// => /home/webmozart

URI handling

When using the Path::makeLink() method you can supply a single parameter that will be used as a base for the generated link object. Possible parameter options are:

  • string: A url represented by a string
  • instance: An object that implements \League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface or Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
  • TRUE: Let the script figure out the url based on the current $_SERVER super-global
  • array: The result of parse_url() or a similarly constructed array

If no parameter is given an empty Uri object is returned. The method uses the League\Uri package under the hood. The result of the method is an instance of a PSR-7 compliant URI object.

Base Package documentation

Learn more about the forked base package in the Documentation.



Contributions are always welcome!


All contents of this package are licensed under the MIT license.

Special Thanks

Special thanks goes to the folks at (which is the word german for laboratory and not the english "work" :D) for making it possible to publish my code online.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment I highly appreciate you sending me a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

You can find my address here.

Thank you :D