neunerlei / filesystem
A static wrapper around the symfony filesystem with additional methods for extra flavor
- symfony/filesystem: ^5.4|^v6.2.0|^7.2.0
Requires (Dev)
- php: ^8.3
- neunerlei/dbg: ^1.8
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11
This package contains a static wrapper around the symfony file system component with some
additional features.
Since version 5.3 it also contains an extension for the Path
utility, and replaces Neunerlei/path-util.
Install this package using composer:
composer require neunerlei/filesystem
Filesystem Utility
The filesystem class can be found at Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs
Returns the singleton instance of the symfony file system class
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; // Access the symfony methods as you would normally Fs::getFs()->isAbsolutePath("...");
Copies a file or a directory. If the target file is older than the origin file, it's always overwritten.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; // Copy a file Fs::copy("/path/file.txt", "/anotherPath/file.txt"); // Copy / mirror a directory Fs::copy("/path/to/directory", "/anotherPath");
Creates a directory recursively.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::mkdir("/create/directory/recursively");
Checks the existence of files or directories.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::exists("/check/existence.txt"); // TRUE|FALSE
Tells whether a file or list of files exists and is readable.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::isReadable("/check/readability.txt"); // TRUE|FALSE
Tells whether a file or list of files exists and is writable.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::isWritable("/check/writeability.txt"); // TRUE|FALSE
Tells whether a file or list of paths exists and contains only files
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::isFile("/check/if/fileExists.txt"); // TRUE|FALSE
Tells whether a file or list of paths exists and contains only directories
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::isDir("/check/if/directoryExists.txt"); // TRUE|FALSE
Sets access and modification time of file.
NOTE: You can also pass DateTime objects as timestamps!
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::touch("/check/touchy.txt", new DateTime());
Removes files or directories.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::remove("/path/to/remove.txt");
Removes all contents from a given directory without removing the element itself.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::flushDirectory("/path/to/clean");
Helper to create a directory iterator either for a single folder or recursively. Dots will automatically be skipped. It can also find only files matching a regular expression. By default the folder will come after the children, which can be toggled using the options.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; // Traverse the direct children of a directory Fs::getDirectoryIterator("/path/to/iterate"); // Traverse a directory recursively Fs::getDirectoryIterator("/path/to/iterate", true); // Filter by regex Fs::getDirectoryIterator("/path/to/iterate", true, ["regex" => "/\.txt$/"]); // Return the folders before returning the children Fs::getDirectoryIterator("/path/to/iterate", true, ["dirFirst"]);
Allows you to rename a file or directory
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::rename("/path/a", "/path/b");
Returns the unix file permissions for a given file like "0777" as a string.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::getPermissions("/file/with/full/access.txt"); // "0777" Fs::getPermissions("/file/with/read/access.txt"); // "0222"
Can be used to set the unix permissions for a file or folder.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::setPermissions("/file/path.txt", 0222); Fs::setPermissions("/directory", 0222);
Returns the numeric unix user id for the given file or folder
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::getOwner("/file/access.txt"); // 1000
Can be used to update the owner of a given file or folder
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::setOwner("/file/access.txt", 1001);
Returns the numeric unix user group for the given filename
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::getGroup("/file/access.txt"); // 5
Can be used to update the group of a given file or folder
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::setGroup("/file/access.txt", 10);
A wrapper around file_get_contents which reads the contents, but handles unreadable or non existing files with speaking exceptions.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; $content = Fs::readFile("/file/access.txt");
A wrapper around file() which handles non existing, or unreadable files with speaking exceptions.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; $lines = Fs::readFileAsLines("/file/access.txt");
Writes the given content into a file on your file system.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; Fs::writeFile("/file.txt", "myContent");
Appends content to an existing file. By default all content will be added on a new line.
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Fs; // Add "myContent" as a new line to the file Fs::appendToFile("/file.txt", "myContent"); // Add "myContent" directly at the end Fs::appendToFile("/file.txt", "myContent", false);
Path Utility
The filesystem class can be found at Neunerlei\FileSystem\Path
use Neunerlei\FileSystem\Path; // These methods are added by this fork // ========================================================== echo Path::unifySlashes("\\foo/bar\\baz"); // => /foo/bar/baz (on linux) or \foo\bar\baz (on windows) echo Path::unifyPath("\\foo/bar\\baz"); // => /foo/bar/baz/ (on linux) or \foo\bar\baz\ (on windows) echo Path::classBasename(\Neunerlei\FileSystem\Path::class); // => Path echo Path::classNamespace(\Neunerlei\FileSystem\Path::class); // => Neunerlei\FileSystem $link = Path::makeUri(); // => Returns a new Uri object -> See "URI" Section for details. // Those methods were already in the base implementation // ========================================================== echo Path::canonicalize('/var/www/vhost/webmozart/../config.ini'); // => /var/www/vhost/config.ini echo Path::canonicalize('C:\Programs\Webmozart\..\config.ini'); // => C:/Programs/config.ini echo Path::canonicalize('~/config.ini'); // => /home/webmozart/config.ini echo Path::makeAbsolute('config/config.yml', '/var/www/project'); // => /var/www/project/config/config.yml echo Path::makeRelative('/var/www/project/config/config.yml', '/var/www/project/uploads'); // => ../config/config.yml $paths = array( '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/config/config.yml', '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/images/banana.gif', '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/uploads/../images/nicer-banana.gif', ); Path::getLongestCommonBasePath($paths); // => /var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs Path::getFilename('/views/index.html.twig'); // => index.html.twig Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => index.html Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'html.twig'); Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', '.html.twig'); // => index Path::getExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => twig Path::hasExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => true Path::hasExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'twig'); // => true Path::hasExtension('/images/profile.jpg', array('jpg', 'png', 'gif')); // => true Path::changeExtension('/images/profile.jpeg', 'jpg'); // => /images/profile.jpg Path::join('phar://C:/Documents', 'projects/my-project.phar', 'composer.json'); // => phar://C:/Documents/projects/my-project.phar/composer.json Path::getHomeDirectory(); // => /home/webmozart
Running tests
- Clone the repository
- Install the dependencies with
composer install
- Run the tests with
composer test
Special Thanks
Special thanks goes to the folks at (which is the word german for laboratory and not the english "work" :D) for making it possible to publish my code online.
You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment I highly appreciate you sending me a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.
You can find my address here.
Thank you :D