
LUYA CMS blocks and asset to use Fullpage.js

1.1.0 2018-12-03 22:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-02 04:53:10 UTC


NetFant Packagist Packagist Packagist

This package includes Fullpage.js ready to use for LUYA CMS. Fullpage.js helps to build fullscreen scrolling websites with ease.

Further information:


  • Fullpage.js section block
  • Fullpage.js slide block
  • Fullpage.js asset

Installation & Configuration

Composer Installation

The package needs to be installed through composer:

composer require netfant/luya-fullpageJs:1.0.0

Alias config

The alias must be added to the configuration

'aliases' => [
    '@fullpageJs' => '@app/vendor/netfant/luya-fullpagejs/src',

Block Import

The blocks need to be imported

vendor/bin/luya import

Layout Setup

The layouts need to adopted to work with fullPage.

It should be kept in mind that LUYA is working with the default Yii-Layouts as well as with its own LUYA cms layouts. Therefore both of these must be adapted to work with Fullpage.js.

Fullpage.js needs a wrapper where sections are placed inside.

<div id="fullpage"></div>

Yii Layouts

The default Yii layout must be adapted to work with Fullpage.js. It can be found under:

  • "views/layouts/main"

Either a new layout must be set and afterwards be taken inside the CMS page settings, or the main layout can be used directly.

LUYA CMS Layouts

The LUYA cms layout must be adapted. It can be found under:

  • "views/cmslayouts/main"

Either a new layout must be set and afterwards be taken inside the CMS layout settings, or the main layout can be used directly.

Include Assets and needed Javascript

The FullpageJsAsset needs to be included. This can be done by e.g. registering the asset inside the layout. The probably better approach is using a new Asset which depends on FullpageJsAsset. Like this, the initialization depend on that asset.


The last step is initializing Fullpage.js. This can be done by adding some more JavaScript to the page. This is the full config which can be found on the fullpage.js github repo.

var myFullpage = new fullpage('#fullpage', {
	menu: '#menu',
	lockAnchors: false,
	anchors:['firstPage', 'secondPage'],
	navigation: false,
	navigationPosition: 'right',
	navigationTooltips: ['firstSlide', 'secondSlide'],
	showActiveTooltip: false,
	slidesNavigation: false,
	slidesNavPosition: 'bottom',

	css3: true,
	scrollingSpeed: 700,
	autoScrolling: true,
	fitToSection: true,
	fitToSectionDelay: 1000,
	scrollBar: false,
	easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
	easingcss3: 'ease',
	loopBottom: false,
	loopTop: false,
	loopHorizontal: true,
	continuousVertical: false,
	continuousHorizontal: false,
	scrollHorizontally: false,
	interlockedSlides: false,
	dragAndMove: false,
	offsetSections: false,
	resetSliders: false,
	fadingEffect: false,
	normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2',
	scrollOverflow: false,
	scrollOverflowReset: false,
	scrollOverflowOptions: null,
	touchSensitivity: 15,
	normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5,
	bigSectionsDestination: null,

	keyboardScrolling: true,
	animateAnchor: true,
	recordHistory: true,

	controlArrows: true,
	verticalCentered: true,
	sectionsColor : ['#ccc', '#fff'],
	paddingTop: '3em',
	paddingBottom: '10px',
	fixedElements: '#header, .footer',
	responsiveWidth: 0,
	responsiveHeight: 0,
	responsiveSlides: false,
	parallax: false,
	parallaxOptions: {type: 'reveal', percentage: 62, property: 'translate'},

	//Custom selectors
	sectionSelector: '.section',
	slideSelector: '.slide',

	lazyLoading: true,

	onLeave: function(origin, destination, direction){},
	afterLoad: function(origin, destination, direction){},
	afterRender: function(){},
	afterResize: function(){width, height},
	afterResponsive: function(isResponsive){},
	afterSlideLoad: function(section, origin, destination, direction){},
	onSlideLeave: function(section, origin, destination, direction){}

Fullpage.js extensions

Fullpage.js extensions can be used by including the javascript files before our asset and adjusting the fullpage.js configuration.

E.g. adding Drag And Move extension:

A project asset has to be set up with the needed JS files

namespace app\assets;
 * Fullpage Extensions Asset File.
class FullpageExtensionAsset extends \luya\web\Asset
    public $sourcePath = '@app/resources/dist/'.YII_ENV;
    public $js = [

The application config has to be adjusted that FullpageJsAsset depends on the newly created extension asset

'assetManager' => [
    'class' => 'luya\web\AssetManager',
    'bundles' => [
        'netfant\fullpageJs\FullpageJsAsset' => [
            'sourcePath' => null,
            'css' => [
            'js' => [
            'depends' => [
  • The Fullpage.js config has to be adjusted dragAndMove: true


Fullpage.js licensing information can be found here.

Bugs / Problems

If any problems are found or bugs are encountered an issue should be made on GitLab, so that it can be solved. Moreover pull requests are very welcome for encountered problems/errors.