
Google Places API made easy !

1.1.0 2015-04-24 09:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-26 01:30:13 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

This library helps you to ask for Google Places API.


It's simple ! Just use the following composer command line.

composer require 'nekland/places-api:~1.0'



use Nekland\PlacesApi\Places;

$api = new Places();

$api->useAuthentication('PublicApiAccess', ['key' => 'MY KEY']);

$result = $api->getSearchApi()->search('49.8445057,3.2912589', 1000);

See authentication part to know how to get a key

Who needs a documentation ? NeklandPlacesApi supports provide auto-completion for compatibles IDEs.

If yours don't, no problem: the documentation is available here.