
Provides a common automated test suite with filter based on attributes

dev-master 2022-01-13 00:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 10:07:11 UTC


Project goal:

Is to provide a single command to run common test tools on the whole code base, on specified files that contains a given suite attribute (bonus goal: or on a built-in git diff suite git-diff).

Code sample in project:

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Nauni\Bundle\NauniTestSuiteBundle\Attribute\Suite;

#[Suite(['controller', 'lucky'])]
class LuckyController
    #[Route('/lucky/number', name: 'luck_number', methods: ['GET', 'HEAD'])]
    public function number(): JsonResponse
        $number = random_int(0, 100);
        return new JsonResponse(
            ['number' => $number]


console test:all --suite [suite] command, where you can specify a suite to filter down or just run all tests for everything

console test:feature --suite [suite] command where you can run feature tests (behat)

console test:unit --suite [suite] command to run unit tests, this will include infection testing

console test:coding-standards --suite [suite] command to run coding standards (phpcs)

console test:code-quality --suite [suite] command to run phpmd and phpstan


Will expose certain customizations as symfony yml files, but all commands will use / manipulate the original tool config configurations.


  • for PHP unit we will add a testsuite node to the project phpunit.xml with a list of files in the specified testsuite.

Configuration for individual tools:

  • You will need to configure the individual tools to your project needs.
  • We are providing some basic example configuration for each tool, these are .dist files in bundle root directory you can copy these to your project root and loose the .dist extension. This way you can start testing with our default rule sets.