Asynchronous for Laravel

v1.1.0 2019-12-17 06:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 15:28:20 UTC


this is a simple package for asynchronous laravel. Each task will be stored in the cache, and then will be executed in parallel with php artisan cli.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer:

composer require n-singularity/async

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Basic Usage

This package supports three types of functions that can be run in parallel:

1. Global Function

function sendEmail($email, $bodyEmail){
    //code to send email

function foo(){
    Nsingularity\Async\Async::globalFunction("sendEmail", ["", "body email html"]);

2. Function of Object

class Example
    public function sendEmail($email, $bodyEmail){
        //code to send email

function foo(){
    Nsingularity\Async\Async::objectFunction(new Example, "sendEmail", ["", "body email html"]);

3. Object (must inplements AsyncableClassInterface)

class Example implements \Nsingularity\Async\AsyncableClassInterface
    private $email;
    private $bodyEmail;
    public function __construct($email, $bodyEmail){
        $this->email = $email;
        $this->bodyEmail = $bodyEmail;
    public function handler(){
        //code to send email

function foo(){
    Nsingularity\Async\Async::object(new Example("", "body email html"));

Get Response From Async

function createText($a, $b)
    return $a . " " . $b;

function foo(){
    $ts = time();
    $handler1 = Nsingularity\Async\Async::globalFunction("createText" ,["hello","world"]);
    $handler2 = Nsingularity\Async\Async::globalFunction("createText" ,["hello","hello"]);
    $handler3 = Nsingularity\Async\Async::globalFunction("createText" ,["world","world"]);
    $text1 = $handler1->get();
    $text2 = $handler2->get();
    $text3 = $handler3->get();
    $te = time();
    echo $text1." | ".$text2." | ".$text3." | ".$te-$ts; // hello world | hello hello | world world | 6