This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP implementation of the api

20190916 2019-09-16 10:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-12-09 14:53:37 UTC


Note: This project is deprecated and not maintained anymore!

What is this?

This library implements a minimal API layer on top of guzzlehttp/guzzle to access the Myra Web API.

You can either use the WebApi Class to access a number of predefined endpoints or use the Signature Middleware with your own GuzzleHttp/Guzzle instance, to transparently handle authentication and signing of requests.

When using the endpoints please remember that these are very thin abstractions so they will return plain arrays with result data. Errors and Exceptions from either Guzzle or the API will have to be handled in you code.

For more flexibility, you can use a GuzzleHttp/Guzzle instance to access the API endpoint directly. In this case you can simply attach the signature middleware to handle Authentication headers as seen in WebApi::_construct()

$signature = new Signature($secret, $apiKey);
     function (RequestInterface $request) use ($signature) {
         return $signature->signRequest($request);

This package also contains a commandline client for most API endpoints. use 'php bin/console list' to list all supported command. Use --help for usage details.

php bin/console myracloud:api:dns -k <apiKey> -s <apiSecret> -o list <domain>


Install Composer (

As Library via Composer:

composer require myra-security-gmbh/web-api

As CLI Client:

composer install --no-dev

You can create a config.php file in the application root to save your access keys:

$config = [
    'apikey' => '##APIKEY##',
    'secret' => '##SECRET##',