
MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - File - form field input:file to upload file(s) and uploaded files validation.

v5.2.3 2024-04-18 22:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 23:58:44 UTC


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MvcCore form extension with input type file and file(s) upload validation.

This upload has no backward compatible javascript or flash inside. It's strictly HTML5 with no additional info displaying. You can extend this field to do it.


composer require mvccore/ext-form-field-file

Fields And Default Validators

  • input:file
    • Files
      • configured by default
      • validate submitted file or multiple files by checking:
        • build in PHP upload errors (max. POST size atc...)
        • if file is not any system file and if it is realy uploaded file (is_uploaded_file(), is_file(), filesize()`)
        • allowed characters in filename, this validator automaticly sanitize uploaded filename every time
        • accept attribute with allowed mime types by uploaded file(s) magic bytes (or by extension in accept attribute, converted on server side to mime type to check magic bytes)
        • ZIP/TAR.GZ/PNG file bombs


  • always server side checked attributes required, disabled and readonly
  • all HTML5 specific and global atributes (by Mozilla Development Network Docs)
  • every field has it's build-in specific validator described above
  • every build-in validator adds form error (when necessary) into session and than all errors are displayed/rendered and cleared from session on error page, where user is redirected after submit
  • any field is possible to render naturally or with custom template for specific field class/instance
  • very extensible field classes - every field has public template methods:
    • SetForm() - called immediatelly after field instance is added into form instance
    • PreDispatch() - called immediatelly before any field instance rendering type
    • Render() - called on every instance in form instance rendering process
      • submethods: RenderNaturally(), RenderTemplate(), RenderControl(), RenderLabel() ...
    • Submit() - called on every instance when form is submitted

Basic Example

$form = (new \MvcCore\Ext\Form($controller))->SetId('demo');
$photos = new \MvcCore\Ext\Forms\Fields\Time([
	'name'		=> 'photos',
	'label'		=> 'Add your photos:',
	'accept'	=> 'image/*',
	'maxCount'	=> 5, // max. uploaded photos
	'maxSize'	=> 2097152, // max. 2 MB in binary for one item


  • implement RAR file bombs detection and bz2 file bombs