Packages from mvccore

  • JavaScript


    MvcCore Application - Questionnaires & Statistics - more complex example how to build very portable app with questionnaires definitions in XML, any question types also defined in XML and answers and anonymous statistics stored and loaded from mysql/mssql database.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - Blog.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database and authentication.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database and extended models.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database, with authentication, with multilanguage routes and mobile version.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database and separated document root.

  • JavaScript


    MvcCore Example - File Manager.

  • CSS


    MvcCore Example - Forms - Uploads.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Example - Hello World - very simple application with possibility to pack into single PHP result file.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Example - Hello World For Portable Packing - basic application packing demonstration.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - MariaDB Global Logs Explorer

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - Pig Latin Translator - translate English to Pig Latin -

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Auth - authentication module with automatic authentication module type detection by loaded classes.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Auth - Basic - simple authentication extension, only to signin/signout user. Extension can use credentials defined in system `config.ini` or in database. Possibility to extend user, signin/signout forms, submit controller and extension class itself.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Cache - register and use cache instances, cache interface.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Cache - Memcache - cache implementation extension for Memcache (older).

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Cache - Memcached - cache implementation extension for Memcached.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Cache - Redis - cache implementation extension for Redis.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Config - Cached - extension to use cached configuration files across multiple environments.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Config - YAML - extension to have YAML configuration files syntax.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Controller - DataGrid - extension to define and render datagrid component by model class.

  • JavaScript


    MvcCore - Extension - Controller - DataGrid - AgGrid - extension for administration environments with AgGrid JS/TS front-end.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - adapter class for Nette Framework `tracy/tracy` library.

  • mvccore/ext-debug-tracy-all

    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - All - adapter class for Nette Framework `tracy/tracy` library with all implemented debug panels for MvcCore.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Auth - render and add into tracy debug panel currently authenticated user from \MvcCore\Ext\Auth service singleton instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Ext\Auth::GetInstance()->GetUser());.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Database - render queries with params and execution times.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel MvcCore - render and add into tracy debug panel current MvcCore application instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()); to display main application objects used to render current page response. Rendered objects inside MvcCore app: \MvcCore\Request, \MvcCore\Response, \MvcCore\Router, \MvcCore\Controller, all preroute, predispatch and postdispatch configured handlers and many other internal application values.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Refresh - automatic refresh of current browser tab on selected server directory changes.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Routing - render and add into tracy debug panel all configured routes in current MvcCore application router and to display currently matched route.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Session - render and add into tracy debug panel $_SESSION content and \MvcCore\Session namespaces content.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - form extension with base classes to create and render web forms with HTML5 controls, to handle and validate submited user data, to manage forms sessions for default values, to manage user input errors and to extend and develop custom fields and field groups.

  • mvccore/ext-form-all

    MvcCore - Extension - Form - All - form extension with with all form packages to create and render web forms with HTML5 controls, to handle and validate submited user data, to manage forms sessions for default values, to manage user input errors and to extend and develop custom fields and field groups.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Button - form field types - button:submit, button:reset, input:submit, input:reset and image.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Date - form field types - input:date, input:datetime-local, input:time, input:week and input:month.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - File - form field input:file to upload file(s) and uploaded files validation.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Numeric - form field types - input:number and input:range.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Selection - form field types - select, country select, checkbox, radio button, color and checkboxes group.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Text - form field types - input:text, input:email, input:password, input:search, input:tel, input:url and textarea.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Validator - Special - form special text and numeric validators - company ID (EU), company VAT ID (EU), credit card, hexadecimal number, IBAN bank account number, IP address and ZIP code.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Model - Database - base model database extension with base and abstract classes and interfaces to work with sql queries in more comfortable API.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Model - Database - MySQL - extension to work with MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server SQL queries in more comfortable API.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Model - Database - Postgre SQL - extension to work with Postgres SQL queries in more comfortable API.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Model - Database - SQLite - extension to work with SQLite queries in more comfortable API.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Model - Database - Microsoft SQL - extension to work with Microsoft Sql Server queries in more comfortable API.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - ModelForm - extension to build forms by decorated model classes.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Request - Apache DPI - request BasePath property correction for applications using Apache .htaccess [DPI] flag.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Request - CLI - console arguments parsing into \MvcCore\Request object.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Extended - trait with additional properties, setters and getters required by extended router implementations - localized router and media site version router.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media & Localization - extension to manage website localizations (language or language and locale). For any HTTP method, multi or single language (or lang. with locale) patterns and reverses, URL addresses like `/en/path` or `/en-US/path`, very configurable.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media - extension to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering, optionally contained in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media & Localization - extension to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionaly contained in url address in the beinning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project, defined by domain routes, targeted by module property in URL completing.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Localization - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionaly contained in a domain or in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Media - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project and to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering, optionally contained in a domain or in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Media & Localization - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project, to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionally contained in URL address in the beginning.

  • C#


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - CLI - Windows Fork - .NET Framework 4 utility for CLI calls via PHP `shell_exec()` or `system()` to fork new process in background.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Collections - extension with collection classes for typed arrays in PHP.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Csp - utility to easilly complete `Content-Security-Policy` HTTP header.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Image - object oriented image processing tool supporting many popular web images operations.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Locale - properly set and get system locale settings by PHP ` setlocale();` across any system platform.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Locale - FloatParser - parse float by automatic floating point detection or parse float value by `Intl` extension.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - MimeType & Extensions - extension to get file mimetype(s) strings array from file extension string or to get file extension(s) strings array from file mimetype string.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - TypeScript Generator - utility to easilly generate TypeScript classes, interfaces or enums from PHP equivalents.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Translator - abstract class and interface support code to create more sofisticated translators.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Translator - CSV - simple CSV translator implementation.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - abstract class code and interface support code to create more sofisticated view helpers with better setup and protected properties.

  • mvccore/ext-view-helper-all

    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - All - all MvcCore View Helper extensins together.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Assets - to group, render, minify and cache javascript and css files, to prepare all application assets for final application packing.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Data URL - get any file content by given relative or absolute path in data url format: `..`.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - FormatDate - format given date or time by `Intl` extension or by `strftime()` as fallback.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - FormatMoney - format money by `Intl` extension or by locale formating conventions or by explicit or default arguments.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - FormatNumber - format number by `Intl` extension or by locale formating conventions or by explicit or default arguments.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Internationalized - abstract class to process date, number or money formating by `Intl` extension or by locale formating conventions.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Line Breaks - processing any visible text content for non-line breaking spaces.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Truncate - truncate plain text or text with html tags to max. chars.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - WriteByJs - prevent sensitive content against spam bots and convert content into JS `<script>document.write(String.fromCharCode(...));`</script>.

  • PHP


    MvcCore is PHP MVC framework to develop and pack projects (partialy or completely) into super fast single file apps and tools.

  • PHP


    Library to pack any type of app into PHAR archive or any MvcCore app into single PHP super fast result file.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Project - Basic - basic website project, not designed for full portable build/pack.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Project - Basic - basic website project, designed for full portable build/pack.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Project - Basic - Template For Portable Packing - basic website template project packing demonstration.