multihanded / regent
The package for Laravel allows you to write regular expressions declaratively.
- php: ^8.1
- laravel/framework: ^11.0
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^9.0
- pestphp/pest: ^2.13
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^2.2
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 10:08:52 UTC
The package for Laravel allows you to write regular expressions declaratively.
For example:
- contains only letters of the English alphabet or numbers
- length from 5 to 10 characters
Instead of writing the regular expression directly, you can do it in a more elegant way:
echo Regent::startsWith() ->openAnyOf() ->range('a', 'z') ->digit() ->closeAnyOf() ->between(5, 10) ->endsWith() ->caseless(); // ~^[a-z\d]{5,10}$~i
In the case of more complex regular expressions, you can separately collect its subpatterns, which is very convenient, especially when it is possible to reuse and modify them in the process of building other regular expressions:
// regex to search for email in text $anyOf = Regent::openAnyOf() ->range('a', 'z') ->range(0, 9) ->addPattern('_-') ->closeAnyOf()->pattern; $startsWith= Regent::openGroup() ->addPattern($anyOf) ->oneOrMore() ->addPattern('.', true) ->closeGroup()->pattern; $secondGroup = Regent::openGroup() ->addPattern('.', true) ->addPattern($anyOf) ->oneOrMore() ->closeGroup()->pattern; $firstSegment = Regent::zeroOrMore() ->addPattern($anyOf) ->oneOrMore() ->addPattern('@') ->addPattern($anyOf) ->oneOrMore()->pattern; $endWith = Regent::zeroOrMore() ->addPattern('.', true) ->openAnyOf() ->range('a', 'z') ->closeAnyOf() ->between(2, 6)->pattern; echo Regent::startsWith($startsWith) ->addPattern($firstSegment) ->addPattern($secondGroup) ->endsWith($endWith) ->caseless(); // ~^([a-z0-9_-]+\.)*[a-z0-9_-]+@[a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$~i
How to install
You can install the package with the composer:
composer require multihanded/regent
How to use
The package is supposed to be used through the facade:
use MultihandED\Regent\Facades\Regent;
After constructing the expression, you can simply cast the resulting object to a string.
Note that the facade is configured to always return a new instance of the regular expression builder class.
Public properties
- pattern (string) - regular expression pattern, empty string by default.
- flags (string) - regular expression flags, empty string by default.
It is not recommended to set these properties directly, however you are free to do so at your own discretion.
Public methods
static init (string $delimiter = null): static - creates and returns an instance of the regular expression builder. Takes a delimiter as an argument. If no delimiter is provided, the default delimiter will be set.
clear(bool $withDelimiter = false): self - sets the pattern and flags properties to empty strings. If the $withDelimiter argument is true then the delimiter will be set to its default value. Returns a reference to the call object.
static setDelimiterDefault(string $newDelimiter) - allows you to set a default delimiter. Once set, all newly created Regent objects will use $newDelimiter as their delimiter. Returns nothing.
static getDelimiterDefault(): string - returns the current value of the default delimiter.
getDelimiter(): string - returns the delimiter value of the call object.
Regent accepts one of these characters as a valid delimiter: /, ~, @, ;, %, ` #. By default, the default delimiter is ~ (tilde).
You can also set the default delimiter in AppServiceProvider of your project:
public function boot() { Regent::setDelimiterDefault('%'); }
List of valid flags: i, m, s, x, A, D, S, U, X, J, u. You can read more in the official PHP documentation.
flag(string $flag, bool $add = true): self - adds the flag specified in the $flag argument to the flags property. Ignores empty lines and duplicate flags. If the $add argument is false then the flag will be removed (if this flag is not in flags it will be ignored). Returns a reference to the call object.
massFlags(array $flags, bool $add = true): self - adds the values specified in the $flags argument to the flags property. Throws an exception when passing an empty array in $flags. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
massFlagsAssoc(array $flags): self - adds the values specified in the $flags argument to the flags property. Throws an exception when passing an empty array in $flags. The $flags argument must be an associative array, where the key is the flag to add and the value is $add as in the flag and massFlags methods. For example, an array like ["i" => true, "m" => false] would add the i flag and remove the m flag. Returns a reference to the call object.
inlineFlags(string $inlineFlags, bool $add = true): self - adds the flags specified in the $inlineFlags argument to the flags property. $inlineFlags is a string of consecutive flags, such as 'ims'. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
caseless(bool $add = true) : self - adds the i (PCRE_CASELESS) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
multiline(bool $add = true) : self - adds the m (PCRE_MULTILINE) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
dotAll(bool $add = true) : self - adds the s (PCRE_DOTALL) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
extended(bool $add = true) : self - adds the x (PCRE_EXTENDED) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
anchored(bool $add = true) : self - adds the A (PCRE_ANCHORED) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
dollarEndOnly(bool $add = true) : self - adds the D (PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
extraAnalysisOfPattern(bool $add = true) : self - adds the S (extra analysis) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
ungreedy(bool $add = true) : self - adds the U (PCRE_UNGREEDY) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
extra(bool $add = true) : self - adds the X (PCRE_EXTRA) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
infoJChanged(bool $add = true) : self - adds the J (PCRE_INFO_JCHANGED) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
utf8(bool $add = true) : self - adds the u (PCRE_UTF8) flag to the flags property. Otherwise, it works similar to the flag method. Returns a reference to the call object.
clearFlags(): self - sets the flags property to an empty string. Returns a reference to the call object.
Inline modifiers
List of allowed local (inline) modifiers: i, m, s, x, U, J.
- insertModifiers(array $activeModifiers = [], array $deactiveModifiers = []): self - setting inline modifiers by adding a string construction of the form (?*-*) to the pattern property, where * before the hyphen sign are active modifiers ($activeModifiers), and * after it are modifiers to be disabled ($deactiveModifiers) . Unlike the flag method, passing empty strings as an inline modifier is not allowed. Duplicate values are ignored ($activeModifiers takes precedence). If both $activeModifiers and $deactiveModifiers are empty arrays an exception will be thrown. Returns a reference to the call object.
addPattern(string $string, bool $quote = false): self - adds to the pattern property the string passed in the $string argument. If the $quote argument is true then the $string function will be applied preg_quote. Returns a reference to the call object.
startsWith(string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - declares the start of data (or string in multiline mode) by adding the metacharacter ^ at the beginning of pattern. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly after the metacharacter. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
endsWith(string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - declares the end of the data, or before the end of the line (or the end of the line in multiline mode) by appending the metacharacter $ to the end of pattern. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly before the metacharacter. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
or(string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - start of conditional selection branch by adding the | metacharacter to the pattern property. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly after the metacharacter. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
anyCharacter(): self - search of matches any character except newline (by default) by adding the metacharacter . (dot) to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
openGroup(): self - declares the beginning of subpattern by adding the ( metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
closeGroup(): self - declares the end of subpattern by adding the ) metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
alphaNum(bool $except = false): self - search all/except alphanumeric characters by adding the \w metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \W if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
whiteSpace(bool $except = false): self - search all/except whitespace characters by adding the \s metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \S if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
whiteSpaceVertical(bool $except = false): self - search all/except vertical whitespace characters by adding the \v metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \V if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
whiteSpaceHorizontal(bool $except = false): self - search all/except horizontal whitespace characters by adding the \h metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \H if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
digit(bool $except = false): self - search all/except digits by adding the \d metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \D if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
borderOfWord(bool $except = false): self - search all/except word boundary by adding the \b metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or \B if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
startOfLine(): self - declares the start of line by adding the \A metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
endOfLine(): self - declares the end of line by adding the \Z metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
endOfAction(): self - declares the end of action by adding the \G metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
openAnyOf(bool $except = false): self - declares the start of character class declaration by adding the [ metacharacter to the pattern property if the $except argument is false or [^ if it is true. Returns a reference to the call object.
closeAnyOf(): self - declares the end of character class declaration by adding the ] metacharacter to the pattern property. Returns a reference to the call object.
backReference(int $num): self - declares the back reference by adding a string construction of the form \\* to the pattern property, where * is the number passed in the $num argument. Returns a reference to the call object.
look(bool $ahead, bool $except = false, string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - search of matches an element only if there is (not) an element before/after it by adding one of the following metacharacters to the pattern property depending on the $ahead and $except arguments:
- ?= - $ahead is true, except is false;
- ?! - $ahead is true, except is true;
- ?<= - $ahead is false, except is false;
- ?<! - $ahead is true, except is true.
The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly after the metacharacter. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
range(string $from, string $to): self - declares a character range by adding a string construction of the form *-* to the pattern property, where * before the hyphen sign is the argument $from and after is argument $to. Returns a reference to the call object.
clearPattern(): self - sets the pattern property to an empty string. Returns a reference to the call object.
The $lazy argument specifies the greedy/lazy mode (by default, all quantifiers work in greedy mode).
zeroOrMore(bool $lazy = false, string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - adds the * (0 or more occurrences) quantifier to the pattern property. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly before the quantifier. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
oneOrMore(bool $lazy = false, string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - adds the + (1 or more occurrences) quantifier to the pattern property. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly before the quantifier. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
zeroOrOne(bool $lazy = false, string $string = '', bool $quote = false): self - adds the ? (0 or 1 occurrence) quantifier to the pattern property. The string passed in the string argument is concatenated directly before the quantifier. Otherwise, it works similarly to the addPattern method. Returns a reference to the call object.
exactly(int $num, bool $lazy = false): self - adds a string construction of the form {*} (exact number of occurrences) to the pattern property, where * is the number passed in the $num argument. Returns a reference to the call object.
atLeast(int $num, bool $lazy = false): self - adds a string construction of the form {*,} (minimal number of occurrences) to the pattern property, where * is the number passed in the $num argument. Returns a reference to the call object.
atMax(int $num, bool $lazy = false): self - adds a string construction of the form {,*} (maximal number of occurrences) to the pattern property, where * is the number passed in the $num argument. Returns a reference to the call object.
between(int $min, int $max, bool $lazy = false): self - adds a string construction of the form {*,*} (occurrences in a given range) to the pattern property, where * before the comma is the number passed in the $min argument and after in the $max argument. Returns a reference to the call object.