
This class manipulates and organizes files and path

v1.0.2 2025-02-07 16:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 17:56:42 UTC


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This package manipulates files and paths


Two methods to install FileManipulation package with composer :

Add to your "composer.json" file into require section :

"mulertech/file-manipulation": "^1.0"

and run the command :

php composer.phar update

Run the command :

php composer.phar require mulertech/file-manipulation "^1.0"


Open env file : (return content of file)
$envFile = new Env('path/to/envFile');
$content = $envFile->open();

// key1=value1

Parse env file : (return parsed content of file)
$envFile = new Env('path/to/envFile');
$content = $envFile->parseFile();

// ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2']

Load env file : (load env file in environment variables)
$envFile = new Env('path/to/envFile');
$content = $envFile->parseFile();

Open json file : (return content of file)
$jsonFile = new Json('path/to/file.json');
$content = $jsonFile->open();

// ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2']

Open php file : (return content of file)
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$content = $phpFile->open();

// ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2']

Open yaml file : (return content of file)
$yamlFile = new Yaml('path/to/file.yaml'); // or .yml
$content = $yamlFile->open();

// ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2']

Open other file : (return content of file)
$otherFile = new FileManipulation('path/to/file.other');
$content = $otherFile->open();

// ['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2']

Save env/json/php/yaml file :
$envFile = new Env('path/to/envFile');
$content = $envFile->saveFile('content to save');

Save other file :
$otherFile = new FileManipulation('path/to/file.other');
$content = $otherFile->saveFile('content to save');

Php file class name :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$className = $phpFile->getClassName();

// ClassName

Php get class names :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$classNames = $phpFile->getClassNames();

// ['ClassName', 'ClassName2']

Php get class attribute named "Attribute::class" :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$attribute = Php::getClassAttributeNamed(Class::class, Attribute::class);

// return ReflectionAttribute of Attribute::class

Php get instance of class attribute named "Attribute::class" :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$attribute = Php::getInstanceOfClassAttributeNamed(Class::class, Attribute::class);

// return instance of Attribute::class

Php get properties attributes :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$propertiesAttributes = Php::getPropertiesAttributes(Class::class);

// return array of ReflectionProperty of properties

Php get instance of properties attributes named "Attribute::class" :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$propertiesAttributes = Php::getInstanceOfPropertiesAttributesNamed(Class::class, Attribute::class);

// return array of property name => instances of Attribute::class

Php get methods attributes :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$methodsAttributes = Php::getMethodsAttributes(Class::class);

// return array of ReflectionMethod of methods

Php get instance of methods attributes named "Attribute::class" :
$phpFile = new Php('path/to/file.php');
$methodsAttributes = Php::getInstanceOfMethodsAttributesNamed(Class::class, Attribute::class);

// return array of method name => instances of Attribute::class

Get first occurrence of a string in a file :
$file = new FileManipulation('path/to/file'); // if for example php file : new Php('path/to/file.php')
$firstOccurrence = $file->getFirstOccurrence('string');

// return line of first occurrence (int)

Get last occurrence of a string in a file :
$file = new FileManipulation('path/to/file'); // if for example php file : new Php('path/to/file.php')
$lastOccurrence = $file->getLastOccurrence('string');

// return line of last occurrence (int)

Get line number :
$file = new FileManipulation('path/to/file'); // if for example php file : new Php('path/to/file.php')
$lineNumber = $file->getLine(number);

// return content of line (string)

Convert file :
$jsonFile = new Json('path/to/file.json');
$yamlFile = new Yaml('path/to/file.yaml');

// convert json file to yaml file

Count lines :
$file = new FileManipulation('path/to/file'); // if for example php file : new Php('path/to/file.php')
$lines = $file->countLines();

// return number of lines of file (int)

Insert content at line number :
$file = new FileManipulation('path/to/file'); // if for example php file : new Php('path/to/file.php')
$file->insertContentAtLineNumber('content', 2);

// insert content (one or more lines) at line number 2 and move other lines after

Date path :
$dateStorage = new DateStorage('path');
$datePath = $dateStorage->datePath();

// return path of path/year/month (example : path/2022/02)

Date filename :

// return filename with date (example : 20220201-suffix)

Date time filename :

// return filename with date and time (example : 20220201-1200-suffix)