
The MulerTech Docker-tests package

v1.0.9 2025-02-16 18:20 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-16 18:28:42 UTC


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The MulerTech Docker-tests package allows you to configure and run PHP tests in a Docker environment.


This package configures a Docker container to run PHP tests using PHPUnit. It creates a .env.test file with the necessary information to build the Docker image and run the tests.


  • Docker
  • PHP
  • Composer


  1. Include the package as a dev dependency with Composer :

    composer require-dev mulertech/docker-tests
  2. Run the following command to install the package :

    composer install


Running the tests

To run the tests, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/mtdocker test

To run the tests with code coverage, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/mtdocker test-coverage

The code coverage report will be generated in the ./.phpunit.cache/coverage folder.

These commands will:

  • Check if the Docker container is running.
  • If the container is not running, it will be started.
  • Run the PHPUnit tests in the container.
  • Stop the container if it was not running before the tests were executed.

Running phpstan

To run phpstan, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/mtdocker phpstan

This command will:

  • Check if the Docker container is running.
  • If the container is not running, it will be started.
  • Run phpstan in the container.
  • Stop the container if it was not running before phpstan was executed.

Running php-cs-fixer

To run php-cs-fixer, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/mtdocker php-cs-fixer

This command will:

  • Check if the Docker container is running.
  • If the container is not running, it will be started.
  • Run php-cs-fixer in the container.
  • Stop the container if it was not running before php-cs-fixer was executed.

Running php-cs-fixer, phpunit and phpstan

To run php-cs-fixer, phpunit and phpstan, use the following command:

./vendor/bin/mtdocker all

This command will:

  • Check if the Docker container is running.
  • If the container is not running, it will be started.
  • Run php-cs-fixer, phpunit and phpstan in the container.
  • Stop the container if it was not running before the checks were executed.

Starting the Docker container

To start the Docker container, use the following command :

./vendor/bin/mtdocker up

To start the Docker container in detached mode, use the following command :

./vendor/bin/mtdocker up -d

Stopping the Docker container

To stop the Docker container, use the following command :

./vendor/bin/mtdocker down

Configuring the Docker container into PHPStorm

To configure the Docker container into PHPStorm, follow these steps:

  1. Open the PHPStorm settings.
  2. Go to PHP.
  3. Click on the ... button next to the CLI Interpreter field.
  4. Click on the + button and select From Docker, Vagrant, VM, WSL, Remote....
  5. Configure the remote PHP interpreter as follows:
    • Select Docker Compose.
    • Set the server to Docker or click on New... if this server does not exist and :
      • Set the name to Docker.
      • Select Docker for Windows or Unix socket depending on your system.
      • Click on OK.
    • Set the configuration files to ./mt-compose.yml.
    • Set the service to php.
    • Set the Environment variables to COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=php.
    • Click on OK.
  6. Click on OK to save the configuration.

To configure PHPUnit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to PHP > Test Frameworks.
  2. Click on the + button and select PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter.
  3. Set the interpreter to php and click on OK.
  4. Set the path to script to /var/www/html/vendor/autoload.php.
  5. Click on OK to save the configuration.

Creating the mt-compose.yml file

The mt-compose.yml file is created automatically when the container starts. It contains the following information :

      context: .
      dockerfile: "./vendor/mulertech/docker-tests/Dockerfile"
        USER_ID: $uid
        GROUP_ID: $gid
        PHP_IMAGE: "$image"
    container_name: "$containerName"
      - "./:/var/www/html"

The USER_ID and GROUP_ID are used to set the user and group of the current user in the Docker container. This is done to avoid permission issues when running the tests and to create files or folders (if needed) with the correct permissions. The PHP_IMAGE is php:<php version>-fpm-alpine, the php version is set from the required version in the composer.json file. The container_name is set to mt-docker-<package name>-<php version>.

Adding the database to mt-compose.yml

If your project requires a database (the composer.json file contains ext-pdo), the mt-compose.yml file will be automatically updated to include a database service. Here is an example configuration for MySQL:

      context: .
      dockerfile: "./vendor/mulertech/docker-tests/Dockerfile"
        USER_ID: $uid
        GROUP_ID: $gid
        PHP_IMAGE: "$image"
    container_name: "$containerName"
      - "./:/var/www/html"
      DATABASE_PORT: "3306"
      DATABASE_PATH: "/db"
      DATABASE_SCHEME: "mysql"
      DATABASE_QUERY: "serverVersion=5.7"
      DATABASE_USER: "user"
      DATABASE_PASS: "password"
      - db
      - default
    image: "mysql:8"
      MYSQL_USER: user
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
      - default

This configuration adds a db service using the mysql:8 image and sets the necessary environment variables to connect to the database from the PHP container.