
This class manipulates characters

v1.0.4 2024-12-30 21:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 21:32:51 UTC


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This class manipulates characters


Two methods to install Application package with composer :

Add to your "composer.json" file into require section :

"mulertech/char-manipulation": "^1.0"

and run the command :

php composer.phar update

Run the command :

php composer.phar require mulertech/char-manipulation "^1.0"


specialCharsTrim, trim and convert special characters to HTML entities :
CharManipulation::specialCharsTrim(' Test trim ');

// 'Test trim'
CharManipulation::specialCharsTrim('<script\>Test without html balise</script>');

// 'Test without html balise'
CharManipulation::specialCharsTrim([' Test "trim"', '<script\>with</script>', ' array  ', ' and', 'null ', null]);

// ['Test &quot;trim&quot;', 'with', 'array', 'and', 'null', null]

specialCharsDecode (decode chars into string or array by reference, no return) :
$test = '&#039;test single quote';

// echo $test;
// "'test single quote";
$test = [
            'test1' => '&#039;test single quote',
            'test2' => 'test quote&quot;',
            'test3' => 'with null',
            'test4' => null,
            'test5' => [
                'test5a' => "&#039;test single quote",
                'test5b' => 'test quote&quot;',
                'test5c' => 'with null',
                'test5d' => null

// echo $test;
// [
        'test1' => "'test single quote",
        'test2' => 'test quote"',
        'test3' => 'with null',
        'test4' => null,
        'test5' => [
            'test5a' => "'test single quote",
            'test5b' => 'test quote"',
            'test5c' => 'with null',
            'test5d' => null