
This package includes a Monolog handler and formatter for Mattermost to use in a Laravel log channel

v1.1.0 2022-09-26 21:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 01:31:06 UTC


Laramost is a Monolog handler channel for Laravel that allows you to send log records to a mattermost channel.


$ composer require muhamadhhassan/laramost


Monolog levels are used to set the message color and icon

Level Name Level Value Color Emoji
DEBUG 100 #91C4EB 🔍
INFO 200 #91C4EB ℹ️
NOTICE 250 #99cc33 📝
WARNING 300 #ffcc00 ⚠️
ERROR 400 #cc3300 🐛
CRITICAL 500 #cc3300
EMERGENCY 600 #cc3300 🚨


In Laravel Apps

In your config/logging.php add the mattermost channel to the channels array:

use LaraMost\Formatter\MattermostFormatter;
use LaraMost\Handler\MattermostWebhookHandler;

'channels' => [
    'mattermost' => [
        'driver'  => 'monolog',
        'handler' => MattermostWebhookHandler::class,
        'formatter' => MattermostFormatter::class,
        'with' => [
            'hook' => '',
        'level' => 'error'

Then simply, using Laravel Log facade:

Log::channel('mattermost')->error('Something went wrong', ['user_id' => 5]);

In any PHP Apps

use Monolog\Logger;
use LaraMost\Formatter\MattermostFormatter;
use LaraMost\Handler\MattermostWebhookHandler;

$logger = new Logger('application');
$handler = new MattermostWebhookHandler('', Logger::ERROR);
$handler->setFormatter(new MattermostFormatter())

$logger->error('Something went wrong', ['user_id' => 5]);

Both Will send the following message to your mattermost channel: error-message.png

Warning: When you log to the mattermost channel make sure that the level is greater than or equals the one defined in config/logging.php