
Package to encrypt response and decrypt request body

v1.2.3 2023-04-25 17:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 20:09:48 UTC


Laravel package to encrypt response content and decrypt request body


1- Install package using composer

composer require mozafar/encbuddy

2- Publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=encbuddy-config

3- Add it to laravel global middlewares

protected $middleware = [

4- Register development routes


Custom key resolver

To get key from other sources like your DB or file you can use a class which implements \Mozafar\EncBuddy\KeyResolverInterface like following example:

namespace Your\Name\Space;

class MyKeyResolver implements KeyResolverInterface
    public function key(): string
        return 'My custom key';

You can add the implemented class in config file:

| Custom class to get key and cipher
| If set this config to null then constant key will
| be used
'custom_key_resolver' => \Your\Name\Space\MyKeyResolver::class,