
A simple route service for WordPress

v0.7.1 2023-03-17 14:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 14:40:16 UTC


A Route Service for WordPress that uses the WordPress rewrite engine and adds Laravel syntax to it.

Table of Contents


A Route is an address or endpoint in the application. Routes are defined in the /routes directory of your project, unless otherwise specified.

All files in this directory are loaded by the framework while it is booting up.

Note that the Route API imitates Laravel Route

Routes MUST call a Controller as callback!

Getting Started

To get started install the package as described below in Installation.

To use the tool have a look at Usage


Install with composer

composer require morningtrain/wp-route



PHP Loader is used to load and initialize all Hooks


Illuminate Pipeline

Symfony HTTP Foundation

Symfony Http Foundation



Initialize the package with Route::setup($path) or, if the package is already initialized, load a directory of routes with Route::loadDir($path)

use Morningtrain\WP\Route\Route;

Route::setup(__DIR__ . '/routes');

Adding a route

// /routes/myroute.php
use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;

// Set up a route on the /myroute URL and call MyrouteController::myRoute as callback

// /Controllers/MyrouteController.php
class MyrouteController extends \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Abstracts\AbstractController{
    public static function myRoute(){
        // Validate request & send http status code
        // Fetch data
        // Render view

A route with arguments

// /routes/kittens.php
use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;

// Set up a route on the /kitten/1 URL and call KittenController::kittenById as callback

// /Controllers/KittenController.php
class KittenController extends \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Abstracts\AbstractController{
    public static function kittenById(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request){
        // Validate request & send http status code
        // Fetch data
        $kitten_id = $request->query->get('kitten_id');
        // Render view

Using named routes

// /routes/kittens.php
use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;

// Set up a route on the /kitten/1 URL and call KittenController::kitten as callback

// /Controllers/KittenController.php
class KittenController extends \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Abstracts\AbstractController{
    public static function kitten(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request){
        // Validate request & send http status code
        // Fetch data
        $kitten_id = $request->query->get('kitten_id');
        // Render view

// In some template or hook you can now get and check for the named route
// Get Url for Kittens Route
$url = Route::route('kittens',['kitten_id' => 1]); // Would return /kitten/1
// Check if currently on kitten route
$bool = Route::current()->getName() === 'kitten';

Grouping Routes

You may group a set of routes to apply a shared prefix to all of them or to apply shared middleware.

With prefix

use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;
    Route::get('foo',FooController::class); // url will be /my-prefix/foo
    Route::get('bar',BarController::class); // url will be /my-prefix/bar

With middleware

use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;
// Users must now be logged in to view these two routes

With both prefix and middleware

use \Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;

Accessing WP Query Vars

WordPress query vars are added to the Request class as query data. So you can access them like so:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

// Controller
class FooController extends \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Abstracts\AbstractController{
    public function __invoke(Request $request){
        // Do something here
        $post = $request->query->get('post');
// Middleware
function(Request $request, $next){
        // Do something here
        $post = $request->query->get('post');
    return $next($request);


Middleware are functions called for a route after it has been matched against a url, but before its callback is called.

Middleware are useful for validating a group of routes, validating a users permissions or hijacking a request.

Read more about them here: Laravel Docs - Middleware

A quick example

Middleware are function that receive a request object and a closure that represents the next middleware in the pipeline. It is important to always return $next($request); at the end of a valid middleware.

In the example below we create a middleware that stops the pipeline if the current user is not logged in and returns a response with status 404. If the user is logged in the middleware pipeline continues and eventually lets the route call its controller.

A middleware is allowed to either continue the pipeline, return a Response or throw an exception. Responses must be \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response and will be sent automatically. Exceptions are caught and converted into custom \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Responses\WPErrorResponse that are then displayed using wp_die()

use Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Route;
use \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
Route::middleware([function(Request $request, $next){
        // Returns a Response object
        return \Morningtrain\WP\Route\Classes\Response::with404();    
    // Continues the middleware pipeline
    return $next($request);


You can also register rest endpoints using the same syntax! Behind the scenes all Rest routes are registered using register_rest_route

use Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Rest;

Rest::get('products', [ProductRestController::class, 'getAllProducts'])->public(); // Will register an endpoint like /wp-json/mtwp/v1/products that accepts GET requests


You can use middleware, prefix, groups and names on Rest routes the same way as you can on rewrite routes!!

Note: Middleware is applied AFTER WordPress has identified the route and passed through all other verifications such as permission_callback, but before the controller or supplied callback is called.


To make an endpoint public chain public() on either the route or its group. This simply sets the permission_callback to __return_true. This defaults to __return_false.


You can expose the endpoint URL to the DOM by chaining expose() onto the route or its group. This outputs the url to a JavaScript object similar to the way localize_script would.

The exposed url can be accessed like so:

const fooEndpointUrl =; // /wp-json/mtwp/v1/foo

Note: to expose an endpoint it has to be named.

Changing the namespace

You can set the namespace the same way you would a prefix.

use Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Rest;

    Rest::get('foo',FooController::class); // /wp-json/foo/v1/foo

This can be combined with prefixes

use Morningtrain\WP\Facades\Rest;

    Rest::get('foo',FooController::class); // /wp-json/foo/bar/v1/foo

// -- or --

        Rest::get('foo',FooController::class); // /wp-json/foo/bar/v1/foo
        Rest::get('baz',FooController::class); // /wp-json/foo/bar/v1/baz



composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.