
A class for loading PHP files and classes in a PSR-4 directory

v0.3.3 2022-09-02 09:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:13 UTC


A simple PHP File or class loader for PHP. Built with PHP.

Table of Contents


This package is a tool to help you initialize parts of your projects by loading in all files that match certain filename rules in a defined directory.

You may even initialize the classes contained in these files as long as they are PSR-4 compliant.

For instance, you may use this tool to load all files in a "/routes" directory or all files ending with "Block.php" and initialize all found classes that extend Block and then call init on them.

More specifically, this tool is made for, but not dependent on, the WP-Framework. Here it is useful for loading in all routes, registering all blocks and initializing all Hooks.

Getting Started

To get started install the package as described below in Installation.

To use the tool have a look at Usage


composer require morningtrain/php-loader



Finder is used to find files in the directory


First create a Loader using Loader::create. This takes an absolute path to the directory you wish to load from as an argument and returns a Loader. The Loader is further configured by chaining.

In its simples form the Loader only needs a path. This will tell it to load all .php files in that directory using require

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir');

Multiple Paths

You may supply an array of full paths to Loader::create if you need to handle multiple directories;

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir and ./MyOtherDir
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create([__DIR__ . '/MyDir',__DIR__ . '/MyOtherDir']);

Filename Constraints

To limit the loader to only load files with a given name use fileName(string|array $filename) See Symfoni Finder: File Name for options.

By default $fileName is *.php

    // Loading all PHP files that end with "Foo" in ./MyDir
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir')

Using Multiple file names

If you need to allow multiple filename formats then supply an array for Loader::fileName

Loading Classes

As long as no class related options are set on the Loader it will simply load the files.

This is useful for route files and similar.

If you have classes that you wish to load and initialize then read on!

Note: All files will be loaded even if the class requirements are not fulfilled. The Loader has no knowledge of its classes before they are loaded.

Has Method

Aborts handling a found class if it does not have a specific method.

Note: it is not necessary to specify hasMethod if call or callStatic is used.

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir and invoke them if they have the method myMethod
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir')

Call Static

To call a static method on all loaded classes specify the method using Loader::callStatic($methodName)

This will call said method on every loaded class that has it. You do not need to check using Loader::hasMethod beforehand

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir and call a static method on it if it is of the class Foo
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir')

Class or inheritance requirement

To only call methods on classes that are of a given class or extended from it use Loader::isA($className). This works the same way is ia_a($obj,$class) where $obj is the found class.

If the found class does not match the required class then the Loader will stop handling the current class and the class will never be constructed or called.

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir and call a static method on it if it is of the class Foo
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir')

Constructing, invoking or calling

You can also construct an instance from the loaded classes, call a method on an instance or invoke an instance using the Loader.

If you use Loader::invoke or Loader::call then it is not necessary to use Loader::construct as well

    // Loading all PHP files in ./MyDir, construct them and then call 'myMethod'
    use Morningtrain\PHPLoader\Loader;
    Loader::create(__DIR__ . '/MyDir')



composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.