
PHP library to access the LDS Gospel Library web service

0.1.2 2022-03-15 17:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 07:36:15 UTC


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LDS Gospel Library

This project is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the LDS Church.

This small PHP library allows easy access to the Gospel Library Web Services. These services only provide access to the metadata of the library and not any of the content or features (like searching, highlighting, notes, tags, and bookmarks).

This project provides access to the metadata but not to any actual content. Intellectual Reserve, Inc. owns the copyright for all content in the Gospel Library.

Gospel Library Client

There are currently five (5) valid API actions for the LDS Gospel Library:

  • languages.query
    • List of languages for which the library exists
  • platforms.query
    • List of valid platforms for which the library exists
  • catalog.query
    • List of the catalog content for the specified language and platform
  • catalog.query.modified
    • Date the catalog for a specified language and platform was last updated
  • book.versions
    • List of books updated since a given date for the specified language and platform

All of the following methods return an object:


List of languages for which the library exists.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    $results = $client->languagesQuery();

Example return:

      public 'languages' =>
        array (size=107)
          0 =>
              public 'id' => int 204
              public 'name' => string 'Afrikaans' (length=9)
              public 'eng_name' => string 'Afrikaans' (length=9)
              public 'code' => string 'afr' (length=3)
              public 'code_three' => string 'afr' (length=3)
              public 'lds_xml_code' => string '501' (length=3)
              public 'android_sdk_version' => string '8' (length=1)
          1 =>
              public 'id' => int 25
              public 'name' => string 'Shqip' (length=5)
              public 'eng_name' => string 'Albanian' (length=8)
              public 'code' => string 'sq' (length=2)
              public 'code_three' => string 'sqi' (length=3)
              public 'lds_xml_code' => string '101' (length=3)
              public 'android_sdk_version' => string '8' (length=1)
          2 =>
              public 'id' => int 63
              public 'name' => string '\u12a0\u121b\u122d\u129b' (length=12)
              public 'eng_name' => string 'Amharic' (length=7)
              public 'code' => string 'am' (length=2)
              public 'code_three' => string 'amh' (length=3)
              public 'lds_xml_code' => string '506' (length=3)
              public 'android_sdk_version' => string '14' (length=2)
      public 'count' => int 107
      public 'success' => boolean true
      public 'date_changed' => string '2018-01-03 05:00:00' (length=19)
      public 'platformid' => null


List of valid platforms for which the library exists.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    $results = $client->platformsQuery();

Example return:

      public 'platforms' =>
        array (size=16)
          0 =>
              public 'id' => int 1
              public 'name' => string 'iPhone' (length=6)
              public 'extension' => string 'zbook' (length=5)
              public 'catalog_version' => string '1000' (length=4)
          1 =>
              public 'id' => int 10
              public 'name' => string 'WebOS' (length=5)
              public 'extension' => string 'json' (length=4)
              public 'catalog_version' => string '1000' (length=4)
      public 'count' => int 16
      public 'success' => boolean true


List of the catalog content for the specified language and platform.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    // Params: Language ID, Platform ID
    $results = $client->catalogQuery(1, 1);

Example return:

    stdClass Object
      [catalog] => stdClass Object
        [folders] => Array
             [0] => stdClass Object
               [display_order] => 0
               [name] => Scriptures
               [eng_name] =>
               [id] => 1
               [languageid] => 1
               [daysexpire] => 0
               [download_all] =>
               [folders] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                      [display_order] => 0
                      [name] => Study Helps
                      [eng_name] =>
                      [id] => 2
                      [languageid] => 1
                      [isprivate] => 0
                      [download_all] =>
                      [daysexpire] => 0
                      [folders] => Array

                      [books] => Array
                        [0] => stdClass Object
                             [name] => Topical Guide
                             [full_name] => Topical Guide
                             [description] =>
                             [gl_uri] => /scriptures/tg
                             [url] =>
                             [display_order] => 0
                             [version] => 8
                             [file_version] => 9
                             [file] => TG.9.zbook
                             [dateadded] => 2010-06-23 16:28:49
                             [datemodified] => 2013-02-28 22:00:54
                             [id] => 7
                             [cb_id] => 7
                             [media_available] => 0
                             [obsolete] =>
                             [size] => 2248470
                             [size_index] => 2969366

                        [1] => stdClass Object
                             [name] => Bible Dictionary
                             [full_name] => Bible Dictionary
                             [description] => This dictionary has been designed to provide teachers and students with a concise collection of definitions and explanations of items that are mentioned in or are otherwise associated with the Bible. It is based primarily upon the biblical text, supplemented by information from the other books of scripture accepted as standard works by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is not intended as an official or revealed endorsement by the Church of the doctrinal, historical, cultural, and other matters set forth. Many of the items have been drawn from the best available scholarship of the world and are subject to reevaluation based on new research and discoveries or on new revelation. The topics have been carefully selected and are treated briefly. If an elaborate discussion is desired, the student should consult a more exhaustive dictionary.
                             [gl_uri] => /scriptures/bd
                             [url] =>
                             [display_order] => 1
                             [version] => 8
                             [file_version] => 9
                             [file] => BD.9.zbook
                             [dateadded] => 2010-06-23 16:29:13
                             [datemodified] => 2013-02-28 22:01:29
                             [id] => 8
                             [cb_id] => 8
                             [media_available] => 0
                             [obsolete] =>
                             [size] => 552203
                             [size_index] => 765119
        [name] => All English content
        [date_changed] => 2016-09-06 15:09:08
        [display_order] => 0

       [success] => 1

Catalog Modified

Date the catalog for a specified language and platform was last updated.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    // Params: Language ID, Platform ID
    $results = $client->catalogQueryModified(1, 1);

Example return:

      public 'version' => string '159' (length=3)
      public 'catalog_modified' => string '2016-09-06 15:09:08' (length=19)
      public 'success' => boolean true

Book Versions

List of books updated since a given date for the specified language and platform.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    // Params: Language ID, Platform ID, Date
    $results = $client->bookVersions(1, 1, '2016-09-02');

Example return:

      public 'books' =>
        array (size=8)
          0 =>
              public 'id' => int 76447
              public 'version' => int 1
          1 =>
              public 'id' => int 76448
              public 'version' => int 1
          2 =>
              public 'id' => int 76449
              public 'version' => int 1
          3 =>
              public 'id' => int 76450
              public 'version' => int 1
          4 =>
              public 'id' => int 76451
              public 'version' => int 1
          5 =>
              public 'id' => int 76452
              public 'version' => int 1
          6 =>
              public 'id' => int 76453
              public 'version' => int 1
          7 =>
              public 'id' => int 76454
              public 'version' => int 1


Catalog Parser

Parses data returned by the catalogQuery() method.

    $client = new Gospel\Client;
    // Params: Language ID, Platform ID
    // Return: stdObject object
    $results = $client->catalogQuery(1, 1);

    $parser = new Gospel\Parser\Catalog($results);

    // Return: boolean
    $success = $parser->getSuccessStatus();
    // Return: DateTime object
    $modifiedDate = $parser->getModifiedDate();
    // Return: string
    $catalogName = $parser->getCatalogName();
    // Return: stdObject Object containing an adjacency list model for hierarchical data
    $folders = $parser->getFolders();
    // Return: stdObject Object containing an adjacency list model for hierarchical data
    $books = $parser->getBooks();
    // Return: stdObject Object containing an adjacency list model for hierarchical data
    $files = $parser->getFiles();


The same book will have a different ID number if it is a different language but not if it is a different platform. For example, the English Book of Mormon has an ID of 95 while the Spanish edition has an ID of 1686. However, both the .zbook and .json versions of the Book of Mormon share an ID of 95.
