
Add a contact request plugin to your Sylius.


Banner of Sylius Contact Request plugin

Contact Request for Sylius

Contact Request  Plugin license Tests Status Security Status

This plugin saves contact requests made on the native form into the database allowing us to see them in the back-office of Sylius.

Demo of the Contact Request Demo of the Contact Request


Install the plugin via composer:

composer require monsieurbiz/sylius-contact-request-plugin

Getting started

Submit a contact request from the native contact form. Them go in the back-office in the customer menu node you will have a new menu 'contact requests', click on it and you can see a grid with the contact requests created. Obviously, this plugin is not retroactive and contact requests made before the plugin was installed will not be displayed.

For the installation without flex, follow these additional steps

Change your config/bundles.php file to add this line for the plugin declaration:


return [
    MonsieurBiz\SyliusContactRequestPlugin\MonsieurBizSyliusContactRequestPlugin::class => ['all' => true],

Copy the plugin configuration files in your config folder:

cp -Rv vendor/monsieurbiz/sylius-contact-request-plugin/recipes/1.0/config/ config


You can find a way to run the plugin without effort in the file

Then you can open an issue or a Pull Request if you want! 😘
Thank you!


This plugin is completely free and released under the MIT License.