
Backoffice for monarc/monarc-backoffice application

v2.12.6-p1 2023-12-04 14:36 UTC


MONARC Core project

See example repository for create:

  • Entity
  • Entity Table
  • Controller
  • Controller Factory
  • Service
  • Service Factory
  • and configure Module.php & module.config.php


Create Entity file & class in Model/Entity folder and extend it whith AbstractEntity.

Define protected attributes and use DoctrineOrm for define table & columns.

In Module.php:getServiceConfig() add in invokables:

'\Monarc\Core\Model\Entity\MyEntity' => '\Monarc\Core\Model\Entity\MyEntity',

For generating migrating file & migrate DB avec adding/deleting/changing column:

php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module migrations:diff
php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module migrations:migrate

Entity Table

Create EntityTable file & class in Model/Table folder and extend it whith AbstractEntityTable.

Define your own functions fo loading entities datas from database. AbstractEntityTable has already functions:

  • getDb: return DB object
  • fetchAll: return all data for entity
  • get: return entity
  • save
  • delete

In Module.php:getServiceConfig() add in factories:

'\Monarc\Core\Model\Table\MyEntityTable' => function($sm){
    return new Model\Table\MyEntityTable($sm->get('\Monarc\Core\Model\Db'));


Create Controller file & class in Controller folder and extend it with AbstractController.

Adding function:

  • getList()
  • get($id)
  • create($data)
  • update($id, $data)
  • delete($id)

In module.config.php, define route & controller:

'controller' => '\Monarc\Core\Controller\MyIndex',

Controller Factory

Create Controller Factory file & class in Controller folder and extend it with AbstractControllerFactory.

Define protected $serviceName = '\Monarc\Core\Service\MyService';.

In Module.php:getControllerConfig() add in factories:

'\Monarc\Core\Controller\MyIndex' => '\Monarc\Core\Controller\MyIndexControllerFactory',


Create Service file & class in Service folder and extend it with AbstractService.

Define attributes ressources used in this service:

protected $ressource1;
protected $ressource2;

And business functions.

For accessing ressource:




Service Factory

Create Service file & class in Service Factory folder and extend it with AbstractServiceFactory.

Define ressources to load in Service:

protected $ressources = array(
	'ressource1'=> '\Monarc\Core\Model\Table\EntityTable',
	'ressource2'=> '\Monarc\Core\Model\Entity\Entity',


protected $ressources = '\Monarc\Core\Model\Table\EntityTable';

In Module.php:getServiceConfig() add in factories:

'\Monarc\Core\Service\MyIndexService' => '\Monarc\Core\Service\MyIndexServiceFactory',


This software is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3

For more information, the list of authors and contributors is available.

Disclaimer: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.