
Laravel Google Merchant Products API for Google Shopping.

1.1.4 2021-06-25 04:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 12:41:23 UTC


A sweet package for managing Google Merchant Center feeds for Google Shopping. This package is prepared to implement the advanced Content API for Merchants.

Example usage:

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Facades\ProductApi;
use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Facades\OrderApi;


        	->title('Purple Shoes')
        	->description('What are thooose!!')
        	->custom('purchase_quantity_limit', 1000)
            ->availabilityDate( today()->addDays(7) );
    echo 'Product inserted';
    echo 'Insert failed';

    echo 'List failed';

OrderApi::scout(); // Scout and fire event


  • Products API
    • Implements the insert, get, delete and list API calls
    • Uses defined schema interface for directly working with eloquent models (a product model)
    • Event listeners to respond to changes made to eloquent models, and insert them automatically
  • Orders API
    • Implements the acknowledge, cancel, cancelLineItem, rejectReturnLineItem, returnRefundLineItem, get and list API calls.
    • Internal schedule scouts un-acknowledged orders and fires an event. This means new orders on your Google Shopping can be automatically acknowledged and registered.
    • Includes sandbox functions for testOrders.
  • Multiple Merchants (1.1.0)

Updating to 1.1.x

Although backwards compatible, be sure to update your config to be able to use multiple merchants.


Via composer:

composer require moirei/laravel-google-merchant-api

Install the service provider (skip for Laravel>=5.5);

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Publish the config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="google-merchant-api-config"

Setup & Authorisation

  • Follow the instructions here and create a service account key. Create storage/app/google-merchant-api/service-account-credentials.json in your app root and store the downloaded json contents
  • Obtain your numeric Merchant ID
  • Add your Merchant ID and the path to your service account credentials to the config
  • In the config, setup the attributes section in product content if you need to use arrays or models


Multiple Merchants

From 1.1.0 we can now define multiple merchants and switch between them by simply calling the merchant method from either the Order or Product API class.

// config/laravel-google-merchant-api.php
    'merchants' => [
        'my-pet-store' => [
			'app_name' => config(''),
			'merchant_id' => '000000000',
			'client_credentials_path' => storage_path('app/my-pet-store-credentials.json'),


    'app_name' => 'My Pet Store',
    'merchant_id' => '000000000',
    'client_credentials_path' => storage_path('app/my-pet-store-credentials.json')

Product API

The Google Merchant contents can be queried via the insert, get, delete, and list methods. The product content is contained and handled via the Product class. An instance of this class can be passed directly or resolved in a Closure callback. An instance can be population by

  • Directly accessing underlying attributes. See special functions.
  • Passing an eloquent model, or by
  • Passing a raw array

To pass an array or a model, the attributes relationships must be defined in the config.


The insert method creates a new content, as well as updates an old content if the channel, contentLanguage, targetCountry and offerId are the same.

$attributes = [
    'id' => 1, // maps to offerId (if set in config)
    'name' => 'Product 1', // likewise maps to title
ProductApi::insert(function($product) use($attributes){
        	->price(60, 'USD');
    echo 'Product inserted';
    echo 'Insert failed';

With arrays:

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Contents\Product\Product as GMProduct;

$attributes = [
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Product 1',
$product = (new GMProduct)->with($attributes);

The attributes values must be defined as per the attributes map in the config.

With Eloquent Models:

use App\Models\Product;
use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Contents\Product\Product as GMProduct;

$model = Product::find(1);
$product = (new GMProduct)->with($model);

    // always catch exceptions

The model attributes values must be defined as per the attributes map in the config. For accessing undefined models attributes, use Accessors and custom Model attributes:

protected $appends = [


public function getAvailabilityAttribute(){
    return 'in stock'; // calculate
public function getGmPriceAttribute(){
    return [
        'value' => $this->price,
        'currency' => $this->currency->code,

For setting custom Product contents (customAttributes), you're probably better off using the custom() method. Likewise for availabilityDate use the availabilityUntil() method.

With Events & Listeners:

The provided event and listener can be setup such that when your application creates or updates a model, the product content is automatically inserted.

To set this up, add the following snippet to your eloquent mode. The product variable can be a model or an array.

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Events\ProductCreatedOrUpdatedEvent;


 * The "booting" method of the model.
 * @return void
protected static function boot() {

    // when a product is created
    static::created(function(Product $product){
        // perhaps a logic to ignore drafts and private products
        if($product->is_active && (config('app.env') === 'production')){
        	event(new ProductCreatedOrUpdatedEvent($product));

    // when a product is updated
    static::updated(function(Product $product){
        // perhaps a logic to ignore drafts and private products
        if($product->is_active && (config('app.env') === 'production')){
        	event(new ProductCreatedOrUpdatedEvent(function($gm_product) use ($product){

Next, define the events relationship in EventServiceProvider.php.

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Listeners\ProductCreatedOrUpdatedListener;


 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
     * Product events
    ProductCreatedOrUpdatedEvent::class => [


Get & List

    // always catch exceptions

The list method calls the get method without any parameters;


So the following should likewise retrieve the product list:




To set up with the event listener, add the following to your eloquent model:

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Events\ProductDeletedEvent;


protected static function boot() {


    // when a product is deleted
    static::deleted(function(Product $product){
        if(config('app.env') === 'production'){
        	event(new ProductDeletedEvent($product));

Then define the relationship in EventServiceProvider.php:

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Listeners\ProductDeletedListener;


protected $listen = [
    ProductDeletedEvent::class => [

Order API

Please note that these implementations have not been properly tested.

Using the API methods

The acknowledge, cancel, cancelLineItem, rejectReturnLineItem, returnRefundLineItem, get, list methods are currently implemented for interacting with your Google Merchant.

The format for using these methods are standard across the entire package. For example, an order can be acknowledged by


or by

$order = (new Order)->with([
    'id' => 'TEST-1953-43-0514',

Additionally the listAcknowledged method is provided so one can list acknowledged orders if needed.

Scheduled Scouts

If schedule_orders_check is set as true in the config, the package will regularly scout un-acknowledged orders and will fire a \MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Events\NewOrdersScoutedEvent event. This event includes an array of orders of class \MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Contents\Order. The orders are structured as per the Order Resource.

Example handle in your listener:

use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Events\NewOrdersScoutedEvent;
use MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Facades\OrderApi;

public function handle(NewOrdersScoutedEvent $event)
    $merchant = $event->merchant; // array key as defined in config
    $merchant_id = $event->merchant_id;

    foreach($event->orders as $gm_order){

        $gm_order = $gm_order->all(); // get all attributes, including mutated attributes
        foreach($gm_order['lineItems'] as $line_item){
            $model = $line_item['model']; // retrieves model
            $quantity = $line_item['quantityOrdered'];
            $shipping = $line_item['shippingDetails'];
            $delivery_date = $shipping['deliverByDate']->diffForHumans();

            // register new order item

        // register new order


  • Accessing the lineItems will automatically resolve and attach the corresponding model to each item. Of course this assumes your inserted products' offerId correspond to the model's ID & primary key.
  • If you haven't already started Laravel scheduler, you'll need to add the following Cron entry to your server. * * * * * php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1.
  • It's important you test that the scheduler is set up correctly. For this reason, the MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Events\OrderContentScoutedEvent event is provided. If debug_scout is set to true in the config, this event is fired whenever the scheduler fires.


The OrderApi class provide a way of calling some of the sandbox operations. Example:


You may use


to use a preset example.

Implemented sandbox actions:

Function Sandbox Action
create createtestorder
advance advancetestorder
cancel createtestorder
createReturn createtestreturn


This package provides an artisan command for scouting orders.

php artisan gm-orders:scout

Handling Errors

Methods that throw exceptions

  • MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Contents\Product::with()

    throws MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Exceptions\ProductContentAttributesUndefined if the supplied attributes is not a Model or array.

  • The insert, get, delete, list, listAcknowledged and scout methods in the API classes will throw GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException if the client request is corrupted, fails, not defined or not authorised.

  • The MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Exceptions\Invalid**Input exceptions are thrown if an unresolvable entity is passed as a content attribute.

  • The merchant method throws MOIREI\GoogleMerchantApi\Exceptions\InvalidMechantDetails if unable to resolve a merchant ID or credentials path.

Exceptions should be handled using the catch function. If making synchronous calls, use the try-catch block. You'd be well advised to always catch requests (and notify your business logic), seeing that Google has a million reasons to deny any request.

Design Notes

  • Insert, List, Get, Delete methods will always return a clone of the original instance if using the default asynchronous feature. This allows the then, otherwise, and catch callbacks of multiple requests to not override. These methods return a Guzzle response if set to synchronous mode.
  • If the delete method is called and the resolved content ID is invalid, it returns without making any requests or throwing any errors. If the get method, it returns a list of products or orders.
  • A valid product content ID follows the pattern online:en:AU:1 i.e. channel:contentLanguage:targetCountry:offerId. This ID is of course auto generated; and the attributes, except for offerId, have default values.
  • Requests can take up to 2 hours before they reflect on your Google Merchant Center. Patience!
  • Unlike the ProductApi or OrderApi classes, the events constructor may take a Model, array or callback.
  • Calling the all method on a Product, Order or any content class will resolve all mutated attributes. e.g. $order['lineItems'][0]['shippingDetails']['deliverByDate'] returns a Carbon.

Synchronous Calls

All the above are by default asynchronous. To make synchronous calls, use the sync method:

    $response = ProductApi::sync()->insert(function($product){
}catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e){

Note: In this case, methods such as insert, get, delete, and list, etc, returns a Guzzle response when called asynchronously (rather than an instance of ProductApi or OrderApi. This means your exception blocks should be wrapped around requests.


This package is intended to provide a Laravel solution for the Google Shopping API for Google Merchant. Currently, only the Product Content has been adequately implemented and tested. For orders, refunds, etc., ideas and pull-requests are welcome.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.