
A Cart for Laravel Framework

v2.3.2 2021-07-12 16:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 07:08:06 UTC


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A Shoping Cart for Laravel Framework


Install the package through Composer.

Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

composer require mohammadv184/laravel-cart

If you're using Laravel 5.5, this is all there is to do.

Should you still be on version 5.4 of Laravel, the final steps for you are to add the service provider of the package and alias the package. To do this open your config/app.php file.

Add a new line to the providers array:


And optionally add a new line to the aliases array:

'Cart' => Mohammadv184\Cart\Facades\Cart::class,

Now you're ready to start using the laravel-cart in your application.


To save cart into the database, the package needs to know which what the name of the table is. By default the package will use a table named cart_items. If you want to change these options, you'll have to publish the config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mohammadv184\Cart\CartServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This will give you a cart.php config file in which you can make the changes.

To make your life easy, the package also includes a ready to use migration which you can publish by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mohammadv184\Cart\CartServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

This will place a cart_items table's migration file into database/migrations directory. Now all you have to do is run php artisan migrate to migrate your database.


Look at one of the following topics to learn more about Laravel-cart


The laravel-cart gives you the following methods to use:


Adding an item to the cart is really simple, you just use the put() method, which accepts a variety of parameters.

In its most basic form you can specify the quantity, price and product model of the product you'd like to add to the cart.



To update an item in the cart, you'll first need the rowId of the item. Next you can use the update() method to update it.

If you simply want to update the quantity, you'll pass the update method the product model or id and the new quantity:

Cart::update(2,$product); // Will update the quantity


$id = 'Biuwla5871';
Cart::update($id, 2); // Will update the quantity

If you want to update more attributes of the item, you can either pass the update method an array as the first parameter. This way you can update all information of the item with the given id.

Cart::update(['price' => 1000],"16cdac2cs8"); // Will update the price
Cart::update(['id'=>"1c6a4c6a75",'price'=>1000], $product); // Will update the id and price


To delete an item for the cart, you'll again need the product model or id. This id you simply pass to the delete() method and it will delete the item from the cart.



$id = 'da39a3ee5e';


If you want to get an item from the cart using its id or product model, you can simply call the get() method on the cart and pass it the id or product model.

$product = Product::find(1);


$id = 'da39a3ee5e';


Of course you also want to get the all items in cart. This is where you'll use the all method. This method will return a Collection of Cart Items.



If you want to completely delete the all items of a cart, you can call the flush method on the cart. This will delete all Cart Items from the cart for the current cart instance.



The totalPrice() method can be used to get the totalPrice of all items in the cart.



Below is a little example of how to list the cart content in a table:

// Add some items in your Controller.
// Display the content in a View.
   		@foreach(Cart::all() as $row)
   			<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>