
A Php way to communicate with Zabbix Api, Using auto discovery of Clients to use for http calls

v1.0.0-alpha 2024-04-27 21:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 21:35:04 UTC


This for communication to the zabbix API via PHP To get this to work the following Constants has to be set



The structure is PSR-4 based. The basic of this library is teh API call is performed via the src/Api/ZbxApi and the src/Method if for the calls. In the src/Help/ there is a HelpClass that you can use to see the parameters Zabbix takes for each function in the api.

NOTE !!! This is Work in progress!!! This the Generation of those calls can also be done in src/Method/CustomCalls.php, where you can fill out the corresponding parameters in the call.

use ZbxApi\Help;
$problem = new HelpCalls();

This will return

Array ( [method] => action.get [params] => Array ( [filter] => Array ) )

wich in json is


So you can modify the Json directly or you can fill out the parameters needed in CustomCalls that has the same name but each parameter in "Params" is a parameter in the call. BUT you don have to fill out each parameter as if it is no set it wont be returned.

use ZbxApi;
$problem = new CustomCalls();
print_r($problem->action_get(array( "ids" => 1 )));