This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the league/container package instead.

A minimal PSR-11 PHP DI Container powered by Reflection

v0.2.0 2018-01-31 12:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-08-18 18:30:08 UTC


A minimal reflection-powered DI Container for PHP.

I use this container for my personal projects. It's not quite ready for stable release yet. I would like to add some tests and try to find some bugs. If you want to help me with that, it would be awesome!


composer require mnavarrocarter/bolido


  • Service auto-injection: Using reflection, sniffs into the constructor and fetches the services declared in it, recursively.

  • Parameter auto-injection: When a dependency of a service is not a class, tries to guess the snake_case value of your camelCase variable name and looks it into the parameter bag to inject it.

  • Closure service register: You can also register serivices using closures or anonymous functions. The functions receive an instance of the container as a first argument.

  • Interface support: Using annotations you can specify a concrete implementation of an interface, right in the constructor of your service.

  • No config files required: Zero config files required. Simply just create a service class, define it's dependencies in the constructor, and just call it. Bolido will take care of everything.


To instantiate a new container, simply do:


use Bolido\Container;

$container = new Container();

Registering services is easy!


use Bolido\Container;
$container = new Container();

// Using closures
$container->set(SomeService::class, function($con) {
    return new SomeService($con->getParameter('something'));

To fetch an instance of any class via the container, simply use the class constant for Bolido to find it. (Don't forget the use statement!). It will return a new instance if it doesn't have one on the container.


$service = $container->get(SomeService::class);  

You can also store parameters, and fetch them:


use Bolido\Container;
$container = new Container();

$parameter = 'some-value';
$container->setParameter('parameter_name', $parameter);

$container->getParameter('parameter_name'); // 'some-value'

For registering third party services with complex config, simply create an adapter:


use Bolido\Container;
$container = new Container();
$container->setParameter('views_dir', '/resources/views');

class Twig extends \Twig_Environment 
    // Note that camelCase non type-hinted params are converted to snake_case,
    // searched in the container and fetched it found.
    public function __construct($viewsDir) {
        $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem([$viewsDir]);

$twig = $container->get(Twig::class);

$twig->render('some-html', ['data]);

A common problem of reflection containers is when declaring an interface in the constructor. You can specify the concrete implementation you are using for this interface with the @Resolve annotation, specifying the short name of the interface, and FQCN of the concrete implementation.


use Bolido\Annotation\Resolve;
use App\Service\SomeServiceInterface;

class SomeService
    $private service;
     * @Resolve("SomeServiceInterface", concrete="App\Service\SomeConcreteService")
    public function __construct(SomeServiceInterfce $serviceName)
        $this->service = $serviceName;

Container Injection

It is not recommended, but if you want to inject the full container into a service or another class, simply make that class use the ContainerAwareTrait. In the instanciation process, Bolido will detect that trait and inject an instance of itself into that class.