
PHP Client Library for generating PDFs from HTML using our Wkhtmltopdf Microservice

1.0.7 2022-02-04 01:10 UTC


Contribution guidelines

  1. Update the version constant in the ApiClient class.
  2. Update the version in composer.json
  3. Tag the commit with the same version number.


  • php: >=7.4.0
  • illuminate/support: >=5.0.0
  • illuminate/validation: ^8.22
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.2
  • konekt/enum: ^3.1
  • ext-json: *


composer require minutemanservices/wkhtmltopdf-php-client

Laravel Setup

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=MinuteMan\WkhtmltopdfClient\WkhtmltopdfServiceProvider


1. Create a Document

First, create a new instance of the ApiClient class and provide the URL of the Wkhtmltopdf microservice API and your access key.

$apiClient = new MinuteMan\WkhtmltopdfClient\ApiClient($apiUrl, $apiKey);

Then, create an instance of WkhtmltopdfDocument for each PDF you want to generate.

Pass the instance of the ApiClient class to the PDF document instance.

$pdfDocument = new MinuteMan\WkhtmltopdfClient\WkhtmltopdfDocument($apiClient);


In Laravel, you can create a document instance without having to create an ApiClient instance.

$pdfDocument = app()->make(MinuteMan\WkhtmltopdfClient\WkhtmltopdfDocument::class);