

v0.11-beta 2020-09-10 07:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 00:50:16 UTC


Build Status Latest Version on Packagist Software License Dependency Status

This package provides an PHP integration of the E-POSTBUSINESS API.


Via Composer

$ composer require metabytes-sro/epost-api

For new implementations, I recommend to start with v0.10.x-dev.


Authenticate user

First of all you have to fetch an AccessToken instance by authenticating the user. I recommend to use this OAuth2 Provider for fetching the access token.

// Authenticate
/** @var League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken $token */
$token = $this->fetchAccessToken();

Provide metadata


We're going big steps forward and create a Letter instance. The Letter collects all metadata (envelope, delivery options…), creates a letter draft on the E-POST portal and finally sends the letter.

// Create letter and envelope
$letter = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Letter();
$envelope = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope();
    ->setSystemMessageTypeNormal()  // For sending an electronic letter *OR*
    ->setSystemMessageTypeHybrid()  // For sending a physical letter
    ->setSubject('Example letter');

We created our envelope and we need to add the recipients. This is how for an electronic letter.

// Add recipients for normal letter
$recipient = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope\Recipient\Normal::createFromFriendlyEmail('John Doe <>');


And this is how for a printed letter. For printed letters, only one recipient is valid!

// Set recipients and delivery options for printed letter
$recipient = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope\Recipient\Hybrid();


Delivery options

We also define DeliveryOptions as they define whether the letter is going to be colored and so on. This is for printed letters only.

// Set delivery options
$deliveryOptions = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\DeliveryOptions();
    ->setRegisteredStandard()   // This will make the letter sent as "Einschreiben ohne Optionen"
    ->setColorColored()         // To make it expensive
    ->setCoverLetterIncluded(); // The cover letter (with recipient address block) is included in the attachments



We're going to start the communication with the E-POST portal.

// Prepare letter
    ->setCoverLetter('This is an example');

// Set attachments

// Create and send letter
try {

} catch (GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
    $errorInformation = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody());

Fetch postage info

If you wonder how expensive the letter is going to be.

Case 1: You already defined a letter with envelope and so on:

$priceInformation = $letter->queryPriceInformation();


Case 2: You need to provide PostageInfo:

$postageInfo = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\PostageInfo();
$letter = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Letter();
$priceInformation = $letter->queryPriceInformation();


Delete letters

If you already have a Letter instance, deleting is that easy:

    ->create() // Yeah, it must be created beforehand, so we have a "letterId"

Otherwise you need to know the letterId.

$letter = new EPost\Api\Letter();

delete() will delete the letter irrecoverably on the E-POST portal. You have to possibility to use moveToTrash() otherwise.


The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


Please follow the Symfony Coding Standards.


Dieses Konzept erklärt die verschiedenen Komponenten, die im Rahmen einer E-POSTBUSINESS-Integration für das CMS Contao genutzt wurden.
