
Face recognition and hotspot selection for cropping images in WordPress.

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Forks: 1

Open Issues: 4


v0.6.0 2023-06-10 11:47 UTC


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Image Crop Positioner WordPress plugin

This plugin allows you to better crop your images, based on face detection or hotspot selection.

In Development

⚠️ This plugin is still in development. Some functionality may be missing or not working as intended.


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That's amazing to hear 😄! I attempt to keep it up to date as best as I can. However, it's a spare-time project that I mostly work on in the evening hours. Would you like to support me, feel free to give a small donation so I can buy some snacks to eat while I'm typing new code.

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Example images

Faces detection

Example of faces detection

Hotspots selection

Example of hotspots selection