
A MDC Snackbar components integrated to Nette

v1.3.4 2019-04-30 22:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 10:18:13 UTC


Material components SNACKBAR implementation to NETTE Framework.

Idea behind was inspired by Ipublikuj.


The best way to get MDCNette dialog is via composer.

php composer.phar require mdcnette/snackbar

Add MDC Snackbar extensions to your config file

    mdcsnackbar: MDCNette\Snackbar\DI\SnackbarExtension

Then in your presenter (typically in BasePresenter) add this.

use TSnackbar;

Add this to your @layout.latte.

{snippet snackbar} // if you want use ajax. wrap control to snippet
    {control snackbar}

Client side (js/css)

And finally you need to setup javascript... The best approach is to install it with npm.

npm install @mdcnette/snackbar

or you can find it in this repo in client-side folder.

in dist folder you can find files to include.

  • material-components-web.min.css

(styles for snackbar) link this to your head in html layout.

  • material-components-web.min.js

(base js for snackbar) add this to your script load.

  • mdcnette.ajax.snackbar.js /or/ mdcnette.noajax.snackbar.js

(js for snackbar) add this to you script load.

@layout.latte preview

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/material-components-web.min.css" type="text/css">

    {include content}
    {snippet snackbar} // use snippet tag only if you want use ajax.
        {control snackbar}
    {/snippet snackbar}
    <script src="path/to/material-components-web.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--IF AJAX-->
    <script src="path/to/nette.ajax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="path/to/mdcnette.ajax.snackbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
    <!--/ IF AJAX-->
    <!--IF NO AJAX-->
    <script src="path/to/mdcnette.noajax.snackbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--/IF NO AJAX-->


After this you can start using material snackbar!


    "<message>",                //Message
    ["<template>"],             //Template -> viz template
    [array(<options>)]          //Options -> viz options table


For better understanding, look for official demo HERE

NameDescriptionDefaulttypeGood to know
waitTime for snackbar dismiss2750 msinteger
ajaxif action is fired with ajaxfalseboolean
actionUrl for actionfalseStringMust be set actionText option
actionTextText for action buttonfalseStringMust be set action option
multilineSnackbar is taller to for longer messagefalseboolean
rtlRight to leftfalseboolean
actionDismissOn click action will dismiss (only with ajax)truebooleanOR wait for timeout
alignStartShows snackbar on the left side of pagefalsebooleanworks with rtl

You can set up default options in config file for all snackbars.

    mdcsnackbar: MDCNette\Snackbar\DI\SnackbarExtension
    wait: 5000 # default 4000 (must be same or higher)
    ajax: true # default false
    alignStart: true # default false
    # etc...


MDCNette Snackbar comes with possibility to add custom predefined options template.

In config you can add this template:

    mdcsnackbar: MDCNette\Snackbar\DI\SnackbarExtension
    rtl: true # 'rtl' is now set for all templates
        wait: 7500
        alignStart: true
        alignStart: true
        rtl: true

And usage may look like this:

$this->snackbar('FATAL ERROR', 'error');
// You can add custom options to every template as well
$this->snackbar('VERY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG FATAL ERROR', 'error', ['multiline' => true]);


$this->snackbar('You are logged in as');
$this->snackbar('User added', NULL,
        'wait'         => 5000,
        'action'       => $this->link('undo!'),
        'actionButton' => 'undo',
        'alignStart    => true