
A simple yet powerful PSR-11 autowiring dependency injection container

v1.0.4 2020-02-16 08:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 19:14:46 UTC


A simple yet powerful PSR-11 autowiring dependency injection container.

mdarc/DI was conceived to be simple to configure and use. It was built for performance. (check benchmarks)

mdarc/DI has an very small but robust code base. It is production ready and can be used for small micro-services or large monolithic projects.

  • Autowiring: Automatically instantiate and inject dependencies
  • Manual configuration: When classes cannot be autowired, you can create them by yourself
  • Circular reference detection: It throws a CircularReferenceException with enough details to fix the problem
What mdarc/DI is not good for:
  • Autowiring via setter methods is not supported (and it will never be)
  • Autowiring using phpDoc annotations is not supported (and it will never be)
  • Automatically injecting dependencies on constructor parameters without type hints is not supported. You must manually configure those cases



Before anything else, use this to add it to your composer.json

$ composer require mdarc/di "^1.0.0"


Creating a container ready to use with autowiring enabled is a matter of creating a Container instance:

use Mdarc\DI\Container;

$container = new Container();

If your classes contain constructor parameters that are other objects, then simply:

$myClass = $container->get(\Path\To\MyClass::class);

As any other DI container, $myClass will always get the same instance on the requested class.

If you want to create a new object every time (instead of getting the same object instance) then use the factory helper:

use Mdarc\DI\Container;
use Mdarc\DI\DI;

$container = new Container([
    \Path\To\MyClass::class => DI::factory(function () {
        return new \Path\To\MyClass(); 

$myClass = $container->get(\Path\To\MyClass::class);

For those classes that cannot be created using autowiring, then you can add their definitions:

use Mdarc\DI\Container;

$container = new Container([
    \Monolog\Logger::class => function (Container $c) {
        $config = $c->get(\Path\To\Config::class);
        $logger = new \Monolog\Logger($config->get('name'));
        $logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stdout', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG));

        return $logger; 

$logger = $container->get(\Monolog\Logger::class);

Defining aliases for binding interfaces to implementations is simple:

use Mdarc\DI\Container;

$container = new Container([
    // Binding Interface to implementation
    \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class => \Monolog\Logger::class,
    // Concrete implementation
    \Monolog\Logger::class => function (Container $c) {
        // build Monolog here

$logger = $container->get(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class);

Specifying arguments for classes with constructor parameters that are scalar, array or undefined type:

use Mdarc\DI\Container;

class MyClass {
    public function __construct(array $config, \Psr\LoggerInterface $logger) { /*...*/ }

$definitions = [
    // Binding Interface to implementation
    \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class => \Monolog\Logger::class,
    // Concrete implementation
    \Monolog\Logger::class => function (Container $c) {
        // build Monolog here

$constructorParameters = [
    MyClass::class => [
        'config' => ['an array', 'of relevant', 'things']
$container = new Container($definitions, $constructorParameters);

$myClass = $container->get(MyClass::class);


mdarc/DI is licensed under the MIT License.