
Laravel-ODK is a simple wrapper around the ODK Central API that makes working with its endpoints a breeze!

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v1.3.0 2023-02-06 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 15:12:38 UTC


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This is a community project and not an official Laravel one

Laravel-ODK is a simple wrapper around the ODK Central API that makes working with its endpoints a breeze! To get more informations about the API see


You can install the package via composer:

composer require mchev/laravel-odk


Publish the config of the package.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mchev\LaravelOdk\Providers\OdkCentralServiceProvider" --tag=config

The following config will be published to config/odkcentral.php.

return [

    | ODK Central API url
    | Here you may specify the default url for the API calls.
    | Example :
    'api_url' => env('ODK_API_URL'),

    | ODK Central Authentification
    | An administrator user of your ODK Central app.

    'user_email' => env('ODK_USER_EMAIL'),

    'user_password' => env('ODK_USER_PASSWORD'),


Set the ODK_API_URL, ODK_USER_EMAIL and ODK_USER_PASSWORD of your ODK Central App in your .env file.


Don't forget to run php artisan config:clear

If you change your crendentials later you will also have to run php artisan cache:clear. The authentification token is cached for 3600 seconds.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Mchev\LaravelOdk\OdkCentral;

class SomeController
    public function testOdk()
      $odk = new OdkCentral;
      $project = $odk->projects(1)->get();

Usage with Facade :

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Mchev\LaravelOdk\Facades\OdkCentral;

class SomeController
    public function returnFormFields($projectId, $xmlFormId)
      $fields = OdkCentral::projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->fields()->get();


// Get all users.
$users = $odk->users()->get();

// Searching users
$users = $odk->users('Jane')->get();

// You can also use eloquent 💥
$users = $odk->users()->get()->sortBy('displayName');

// Creating a new user.
$user = $odk->users()->create([
  'email' => '',
  'password' => 'password' // Optional (That email address will receive a message instructing the new user on how to claim their new account and set a password.)

// Getting User details
$user = $odk->users($userId)->get();

// Getting authenticated User details
$user = $odk->users()->current();

// Modifying a User
$user = $odk->users($userId)->update([
  'displayName' => 'New name', // string
  'email' => '' // string

// Directly updating a user password
$user = $odk->users($userId)->updatePassword([
  'old' => 'old.password', // string
  'new' => 'new.password' // string

// Initiating a password reset
$user = $odk->users()->passwordReset($userEmail);

// Deleting a User
$user = $odk->users($userId)->delete();

App Users

// Listing all App Users.
$appUsers = $odk->projects($projectId)->appUsers()->get();

// Creating a new App User.
$appUser = $odk->projects($projectId)->appUsers()->create([
  'displayName' => 'Jane Doe'

// Deleting a App User
$appUser = $odk->projects($projectId)->appUsers($appUserId)->delete();


// Get a list of projects.
$projects = $odk->projects()->get();

// Creating a Project.
$project = $odk->projects()->create([
  'name' => 'My new project'

// Getting Project details
$project = $odk->projects($projectId)->get();

// Updating Project Details
$project = $odk->projects($projectId)->update([
  'name' => 'New name', // string | required
  'archived' => false // boolean | optional

// Deep Updating Project and Form Details
$project = $odk->projects($projectId)->deepUpdate([
  'name' => 'New name', // string | required
  'archived' => false, // boolean | optional
  'forms' => [
      "xmlFormId": "simple",
      "state": "open",
      "assignments": [
          "roleId": 2,
          "actorId": 14
  ], // array | infos :

// Enabling Project Managed Encryption
$project = $odk->projects($projectId)->encrypt([
  'passphrase' => 'Super duper secret', // string | required
  'hint' => 'My reminder' // string | optional

// Deleting a Project
$project = $odk->projects($projectId)->delete();


// List all forms of a project.
$forms = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms()->get();

// Creating new form (sending XForms XML or XLSForm file)
// If the second parameter is set to false, the form will be stored as draft.
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms()->create($request->file('your_input_file'), true);

// Getting form details
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->get();

// Getting form schema fields
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->fields()->get();
// You may optionally add the 'true' parameter to the fields() method to sanitize the field names and paths to match the way they will be outputted for OData

// Listing form attachments
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->attachments()->get();

// Downloading a form attachment
return $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->downloadAttachment($filename);

// Modifying a form
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->update([
  'state' => 'open'

// Deleting a form
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->delete();

// Download form file (xml, xls, xlsx)
return $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->xlsx()->download(); // xml(), xls(), xlsx()


// Let's say we already have our form
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId);

// Create a new draft

// Getting Draft Form Details

// Getting Draft Form Fields

// Publish the draft
$form->draft()->publish('v1.2.0'); // string | optional

// Deleting the draft


// Listing all submissions on a form
$submissions = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions()->get();

// Getting Submission metadata
$submissions = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions($instanceId)->get();

// Updating Submission metadata
$submissions = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions($instanceId)->update([
  'reviewState' => 'approved' // null, edited, hasIssues, rejected, approved | enum

// Retrieving Submission XML
$submissions = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions($instanceId)->xml();

// Geting Submission comments
$submissions = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions($instanceId)->comments()->get();

// Posting Submission comments
$submission = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId)->submissions($instanceId)->comments()->create([
  'body' => 'this is the text of my comment',


// Our form
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId);

// You can get answers directly :
$answers = $form()->answers();
// OR
$anwserWithRepeats = $form()->answersWithRepeats();

// If you need to get only answers associated to a submission :
$answers = $form()->submissions($submissionId)->answers();
// OR
$anwserWithRepeats = $form()->submissions($submissionId)->answersWithRepeats();

// answersWithRepeats() method accept a boolean parameter to only get the questions and responses (no meta, ids, etc)
$onlyAnswers = $form()->submissions($submissionId)->answersWithRepeats(true);


// Our form
$form = $odk->projects($projectId)->forms($xmlFormId);

 * OData request.
 * @param string $url
 * @param boolean $top
 * @param boolean $skip
 * @param boolean $count
 * @param boolean $wkt
 * @param string $filter
 * @param boolean $expand
$data = $form->odata($url= '', $top = false, $skip = false, $count = false, $wkt = false, $filter = '', $expand = false)->get();

// Example : 
$submissions = $form->odata('Submissions')->get();


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.