
Laravel wrapper for using the Strapi headless CMS

Fund package maintenance!

v2.0.4 2022-02-21 19:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-09 11:35:10 UTC


This repository is fork of dbfx/laravel-strapi, credits goes to Dave Blakey and BBWMC.

Laravel-Strapi is a Laravel helper for using the Strapi V4 headless CMS.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require maximilianradons/laravel-strapi

You can publish and run the migrations with:

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapiServiceProvider" --tag="strapi-config"

You need to define your STRAPI_URL (without /api path) and STRAPI_CACHE_TIME in .env:


Athorization (optional)

Create a bearer token in your admin panel and add it to your .env:


Cache Flushing (optional)

To flush the strapi cache on content update, you need to create a Webhook in the Strapi admin panel. Setup a url and a header with Key "Athorization" and a random string as Value and add them to your .env:


In your App you can use the StrapiWebhook Event to implement your own Logic to flush the cash if needed. Add an Event Listener to your App, you also need to register the Listener in your EventServiceProvider.


laravel-strapi provides the collection() and entry() calls to return a full collection, or a specific entry from a collection. In the example below we are querying the strapi collection 'blogs' and then getting the entry with id 1 from that collection.

use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$blogs = $strapi->collection('blogs');
$entry = $strapi->entry('blogs', 1);

There are several useful options available as well.

  • $sortKey and $sortOrder allow you to specify the key to sort on and the direction
  • $fullUrls will automatically add your STRAPI_URL to the front of any relative URLs (e.g. images, etc).
  • $limit sets how many items you are requesting
  • $start is the offset to be used with limit, useful for pagination
use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$blogs = $strapi->collection('blogs', $sortKey = 'id', $sortOrder = 'DESC', $limit = 20, $start = 0, $fullUrls = true);

$entry = $strapi->entry('blogs', 1, $fullUrls = true);

You may also access Single Type items as follows:

use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();

// Fetch the full homepage array
$homepageArray = $strapi->single('homepage');

// Return just the ['content'] field from the homepage array
$homepageItem = $strapi->single('homepage', 'content');

And you may select entries by searching for a custom field (e.g. slug):

use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();

$entries = $strapi->entriesByField('blogs', 'slug', 'test-blog-post');

Populate with deep relations:

use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();

// load all relations one Level deep 
$homepageArray = $strapi->populate(['*'])->single('homepage');

// 2 Level or deeper example
$homepageArray = $strapi->populate(['homepage.navbar.links', 'homepage.metadata'])->single('homepage');

Deeply populate a dynamic zone with 2 components, examples from Strapi API Docs:

use MaximilianRadons\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;

$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();

$query = [
    'populate' => [
        'testDZ' => [
            'populate' => '*'

$homepageArray = $strapi->query($query)->single('articels');

$query = [
    'fields' => ['title', 'slug'],
    'populate' => [
        'headerImage' => [
            'fields' => ['name', 'url']

$homepageArray = $strapi->query($query)->single('articels');


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.