
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Semi-automatic URL generator for pretty REST-like URLs in EasyAdmin

v2.9.3 2024-11-05 17:27 UTC


Symfony Bundle that introduces customizable routes to EasyAdmin







  1. Install the bundle by running

    composer require marcin-jozwikowski/easy-admin-pretty-urls
  2. Enable the bundle by adding it to your config/bundles.php if not enabled automatically

    return [
      // ...
      MarcinJozwikowski\EasyAdminPrettyUrls\EasyAdminPrettyUrlsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Add a routes set pointing to a directory containing your Controllers

     resource: 'src/Controller'
     type: 'pretty_routes'

    The resource is a directory path relative to your projects root directory. Type must always equal to pretty_routes. See Fine-tuning / Define routes manually section to learn how this step can be ommitted.

    Other routing structures can be utilized as well, for example:

       resource: 'src/Controller'
       type: 'pretty_routes'
       prefix: /{_locale}
         _locale: '%app_locales%'
         _locale: '%locale%'
  4. Make your main DashboardController extend \MarcinJozwikowski\EasyAdminPrettyUrls\Controller\PrettyDashboardController or manually override the a default template like so:

    public function configureCrud(): Crud
         return parent::configureCrud()
             ->overrideTemplate('layout', '@EasyAdminPrettyUrls/layout.html.twig')
             ->overrideTemplate('crud/field/association', '@EasyAdminPrettyUrls/crud/field/association.html.twig');


The following parameters are in use:

To change the default values set the parameter in your services.yaml

    easy_admin_pretty_urls.<parameter>: '<new_value>'

Or create a config/packages/easyadmin_pretty_urls.yaml file with

    <parameter>: '<new_value>'


There are one function, and one filter being registered by a Twig extension in this bundle:

  • pretty_urls_include_menu_index() Function returns the include_menu_index value from Configuration
  • |pretty_urls_remove_actions Filter removed the unnecessary query elements from the URL string


  • Define custom URL path

    By default, the URL is created as <class_name>/<action_name>.

    To change that behavior specify path value in PrettyRoutesController attribute for the whole controller, and/or in PrettyRoutesAction attribute for the specific action.

    The following configuration will result in the action URL of special/list instead of the default any_fancy/index.

    #[PrettyRoutesController(path: 'special')]
    class AnyFancyController {
      #[PrettyRoutesAction(path: 'list')]
      public function index() {
        // .... 
  • Putting entityID in the path

    With a custom path defined in #PrettyRoutesAction attribute, it is possible to include the entityID in the path.

    To achieve it, simple add {entityId?0} to the path argument i.e.

    #[PrettyRoutesAction(path: 'modify/{entityId?0}')]
    public function edit(AdminContext $context)
      return parent::edit($context);

    Due to the way form actions are generated by EasyAdmin it is necessary to specify a default value for the parameter in the path.

    It does not have to be 0 but keep in mind that setting it to an existing ID will make the application unusable.

  • Select actions to create routes for

    By default, pretty routes are generated for index, new, detail, edit, delete, batchDelete, renderFilters, and autocomplete actions.

    To change them globally set a proper configuration value. For a single-controller change add a PrettyRoutesController attribute to the controller and name the actions you want to have pretty routes for, in actions parameter.

    #[PrettyRoutesController(actions: ['index', 'foo', 'bar'])]
    class AnyFancyController {
      // ...
    * You can also (optionally) specify your own dashboard controller if you're using more than one in your project.
    * This will avoid to have an incorrect sidebar/user menu by addressing the request to the right dashboard controller
    #[PrettyRoutesController(actions: ['index', 'foo', 'bar'], dasboard: YourCrudController::class . '::yourCrudAction')]
    class AnyFancyController {
      // ...

    You can also just add your custom actions to the default list by specifying customActions in PrettyRoutesController attribute.

    #[PrettyRoutesController(customActions: ['foo', 'bar'])]
    class AnyFancyController {
  • Define routes manually

    Instead of defining a pretty_routes routes to automatically parse all classes in a directory you can create routes that will replace your default EasyAdmin CRUD actions.

      path: /foobar-url
      controller: \App\Controller\EasyAdmin\DashboardController::index
          crudControllerFqcn: \App\Controller\FoobarCrudController
          crudAction: index
    • controller value must point to your projects DashboardController
    • defaults crudControllerFqcn and crudAction must point to your target CRUD controller and its action.
    • path can be anything of your choosing
    • Route name must match the pattern <prefix>_<name>_<action> with
      • <action> equal to crudAction value from the defaults
      • <name> being the target controller class name (not FQCN - just the last part) stripped of Controller, written in snake_case
      • <prefix> is set to pretty by default. See Configuration to ways to change it.
    • When routes are defined manually the Installation step 3 is not required.

    You can generate a YAML routes configuration for existing controllers for further manual modifications by running

      bin/console pretty-routes:dump <resource>


  • Routes not working

    If your routes are still not generated despite being added, check your logs for 'Pretty route not found' with debug level. Those will list all the EasyAdmin routes that did not have their pretty counterparts.

    Most probably, there's some naming mismatch.

  • Checking the Resource parsing results

    To see what is the outcome of parsing a pretty_routes Resource run the following command:

      bin/console pretty-routes:debug <resource>