
Laravel PHP Facade/Wrapper for the Eventbrite Data API v3

dev-master 2021-06-15 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 20:46:06 UTC


Eventbrite API wrapper for Laravel. This package provides a simple interface to Eventbite's (awesome) API. Organize Eventbrite integration with expressive, clean PHP.


PHP >= 7.2
Laravel >= 6.0


Laravel Eventbrite uses composer to make installation a breeze.

Install via composer

composer require marat555/eventbrite

Register service provider Add the Laravel Eventbrite service provider to your config/app.php file in the providers key

'providers' => [
    // ... other providers

Eventbrite facade alias Then add the Eventbrite facade to your aliases key: 'Eventbrite' => Marat555\Eventbrite\Facades\Eventbrite::class.


Configuration can be done via your .env file.


You may also publish the config file to config/eventbrite.pzhp for editing: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Marat555\Eventbrite\EventbriteServiceProvider"


Laravel Eventbrite is incredibly intuitive to use.


Already configured everything and just want to see it in action? Take a look at the example code below.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Eventbrite;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class EventbriteController extends Controller
    public function getEvent(int $eventId)
        return response()->json(Eventbrite::event()->get($eventId));


Retrieve an Event by Event ID


Create a new Event

Eventbrite::event()->create(int $organizerId, array $event);

Update Event by Event ID

Eventbrite::event()->update(int $eventId, array $event);

List Events by Venue ID

Eventbrite::event()->list('venue', int $venueId, array $filterParams = []);

List Events by Organization ID

Eventbrite::event()->list('organizations', int $organizationId, array $filterParams = []);

List Events by Event Series ID

Eventbrite::event()->list('series', int $seriesId, array $filterParams = []);

Publish an Event. Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the publish action.

Eventbrite::event()->publish(int $eventId);

Unpublish an Event. Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the unpublish action.

Eventbrite::event()->unpublish(int $eventId);

Cancel an Event. Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the cancel action.

Eventbrite::event()->cancel(int $eventId);

Delete an Event. Returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the delete action.

Eventbrite::event()->delete(int $eventId);


Retrieve a Category by Category ID

Eventbrite::category()->get(int $categoryId);

List of Categories

Eventbrite::category()->all(int $categoryId);


Retrieve a Subcategory by Subcategory ID

Eventbrite::subcategory()->get(int $subcategoryId);

List of Subcategories

Eventbrite::subcategory()->all(int $categoryId);

Display Settings

Retrieve the Display Settings by Event ID

Eventbrite::displaySettings()->get(int $eventId);

Update Display Settings

Eventbrite::displaySettings()->update(int $eventId, array $displaySettings);


Retrieve a User by User ID


Retrieve your User



Retrieve a Venue by Venue ID


Create new Venue

Eventbrite::venue()->create(int $organizerId, array $venue);

Update a Venue

Eventbrite::venue()->update(int $venueId, array $venue);

List Venues by Organization ID

Eventbrite::venue()->list(int $organizationId);


Retrieve a Format by Format ID


List Formats



Retrieve Media by Media ID


Create a Media Upload

Eventbrite::media->createUpload(array $mediaUpload);

Retrieve a Media Upload

Eventbrite::media->createUpload(array $mediaUploadType);

Query Building

The wrapper also provides a convenient way for you to build fairly elaborate Eventbrite API requests. The following methods return the instance so you can chain more constraints onto the request as required.


Eventbrite has many models that refer to each other, and often you’ll want to fetch related data along with the primary model you’re querying - for example, you’ll want to fetch an event along with organizer.


Handling Exceptions

The Eventbrite API will return errors as required. I am still looking for a nicer way to handle these exceptions... For the time being, simply wrap your call in a try/catch block.

try {
} catch(EventbriteErrorException $e) {
    $response = $e->getResponse();
    $responseBodyAsString = $response->getBody()->getContents();
    echo $responseBodyAsString;

Implemented Eventbrite API Endpoints

  • Event
    • get
    • create
    • update
    • list
      • byEventSeriesId
      • byVenueId
      • byOrganizationId
    • publish
    • unpublish
    • cancel
    • delete
  • Category
    • get
    • list
  • Subcategory
    • get
    • list
  • Display Settings
    • getByEventId
    • update
  • User
    • get
    • me
  • Venue
    • get
    • update
    • list
  • Format
    • get
    • list
  • Media
    • get
    • createUpload
    • createUpload

The Eventbrite API is extensive. I've attempted to cover all of the key endpoints but there are endpoints that are currently unimplemented.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.