
A set of two very lightweight hydrator components. The main usage of those hydrators would be to hydrate query results from joined tables into their respective nested objects.

dev-master 2015-03-16 11:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 19:37:18 UTC


A set of two very simple hydrator helpers to easily hydrate joined query results into their respective nested objects.

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Installation is best done using composr

composer require manuakasam/join-hydrator

If asked for a version choose dev-master

Usage examples

The usage can easily be checked within the /test folder. But here they are again:

Standalone Usage

namespace Test {
    use Sam\Hydrator\AggregateHydrator;
    use Sam\Hydrator\OneToOneHydrator;
    $data = [
        'foo_one' => 'TEST FOO ONE',
        'foo_two' => 'TEST FOO TWO',
        'bar_one' => 'BAR FIGHT ONE',
        'bar_two' => 'BAR FIGHT TWO',
        'baz'     => 'LONELY BAZ'
    $aggregateHydrator = new AggregateHydrator(
        new ClassMethods(),
        new OneToOneHydrator('foo_', 'setFoo', new Foo()),
        new OneToOneHydrator('bar_', 'setBar', new Bar())
    $dummy = $aggregateHydrator->hydrate($data, new Dummy());
    get_class($dummy);           // instanceof Dummy
    get_class($dummy->getFoo()); // instanceof Foo()
    get_class($dummy->getBar()); // instanceof Bar()

Usage with Zend\Db\TableGateway

namespace Test {
    use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter;
    use Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet;
    use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
    use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
    use Sam\Hydrator\AggregateHydrator;
    use Sam\Hydrator\OneToOneHydrator;

    $adapter = new Adapter([
        'driver'         => 'Pdo',
        'username'       => 'admin',  //edit this
        'password'       => 'admin',  //edit this
        'dsn'            => 'mysql:dbname=someDB;host=localhost',
        'driver_options' => array(

    $prototype = new HydratingResultSet(new AggregateHydrator(
        new ClassMethods(),
        new OneToOneHydrator('foo_', 'setFoo', new Foo()),
        new OneToOneHydrator('bar_', 'setBar', new Bar())
    ), new Dummy());
    $gateway   = new TableGateway('dummies', $adapter, null, $prototype);

    $resultSet = $gateway->select(function (Select $select) {
        $select->join('foo', 'clients.foo_id =', [
            'foo_id'   => 'id',
            'foo_bar'  => 'foo_bar',
            'foo_baz'  => 'foo_baz',
        $select->join('bar', 'dummies.bar_id =', [
            'bar_id'   => 'id',
            'bar_bar'  => 'bar_bar',
            'bar_baz'  => 'bar_baz',

    $entryOne = $resultSet->current();
    get_class($entryOne);           // instanceof Dummy()
    get_class($entryOne->getFoo()); // instanceof Foo()
    get_class($entryOne->getBar()); // instanceof Bar()