
Bash script generator and executor for PHP.

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2020-03-16 08:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 11:32:30 UTC


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What! Why?

This is by no means a(n attempt at a) replacement tool for things like Robo. I just thought it would be fun to create a bash script generator and executor for PHP and it was a nice excuse to create an OO targeted PHP library again...

Install using composer

Open a shell, cd to your poject and type:

composer require malc0mn/php-basher

or edit composer.json and add:

    "require": {
        "malc0mn/php-basher": "~1.0"


Generating a bash script

An extremely simple example:

use Basher\Tools\OSBase;

$base = new OSBase();

$base->set('-e', '-v')
    ->renameIfExists('current', 'previous')
    ->link('build-new', 'current')
    ->set('-o pipefail')

echo (string)$base;

Would generate this output:


set -e -v -o pipefail

cd /opt/approot
mkdir -p build-new
rm -f previous
if [ -d current -o -f current -o -L current ]; then mv -f current previous ; fi
ln -s build-new current

Execute commands

Say you would want to execute a command in a linux container to deploy new code, you could do this:


use Basher\Tools\Vcs\Git;
use Basher\Tools\Lxc\Lxc;

$destination = 'build-' . date('Ymd-His');

// Build the command stack we want to run INSIDE the container.
$git = new Git();
$commands = $git->clone(
    ->delete('previous', true, true)
    ->renameIfExists('current', 'previous', true)
    ->link($destination, 'current', true)
    ->service('php-fpm', 'reload')

// $commands now holds the command stack, joined by double ampersands: '&&' so
// that the stack is aborted immediately when a command fails!

// Attach to the container and run the above command set INSIDE it.
$result = Lxc::attach('my-lxc-container')

// Perform execution result handling.
if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) {
    throw new \RuntimeException($result->getOutput());

TODO: complete this readme :/