
Tooling for class name to business name maping, some intergration with Symfony and other tools

2.1.1 2023-12-08 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 13:44:34 UTC


PHP class name to business domain name naming strategies and normalization helpers.

Main feature is the name map, which provide a reversible and predictible class name to business name and a business name to class name conversion whose goal is to be put in front of any component that exposes PHP class name to the outside world, in order to be able to alias your internal type names to business domain names.


Each name conversion entry is associated to an arbitrary tag which purpose is to deambiguate logical names among contextes, for example consider your have those two classes:

  • \App\Entity\Order logically aliased as my_app.order
  • \App\Command\Order logically aliased as my_app.order

You then have a name conflict. In order to solve this it is possible to tag each class the following way:

  • \App\Entity\Order logically aliased as my_app.order with entity tag,
  • \App\Command\Order logically aliased as my_app.order with command tag.

When converting from aliased name to PHP class name, you may specify the expected tag in the current context, and thus avoid those ambiguities.

While querying for a PHP name class using a logical name:

  • if there is a single entry matching no matter which tag is used, then this entry is returned,
  • if there is a default tagged entry if found, return it,
  • if there is more than one matching and no default tagged entry, then an exception is raised.

A PHP class may be used for more than one logical name, so the following will apply while querying for a logical name using a PHP class name:

  • if there is a single entry matching, no matter which tag is used, then this entry is returned,
  • if there is a default tagged entry if found, return it,
  • if there is more than one matching and no default tagged entry, then an exception is raised.

Both resolution algorithms to and from a PHP class name behave the same.

Static naming strategies

Using attributes

You may simply give a default name to one class.

namespace App\Entity;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Alias;

#[Alias(name: "foo")]
class Foo

Or target some context using tags:

namespace App\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Alias;

#[Alias(name: "do_foo", tag: "command")]
class Foo

Or if you wish, give more than one name in different contextes:

namespace App\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Alias;

#[Alias(name: "foo")]
#[Alias(name: "do_foo", tag: "command")]
#[Alias(name: "foo_done", tag: "event")]
class Foo

You also can provide as many aliases in the same tag or under the default tag as you wish, for example when you rename business items and wish to keep a backward compatibility:

namespace App\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Alias;

#[Alias(name: "do_foo", tag: "command")]
#[Alias(name: "older_legacy_name", tag: "command", deprecated: true)]
class Foo

You can also simply give a priority (result will be same as using the deprecated argument) but without raising any deprecation notices on the PHP side:

namespace App\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Alias;

#[Alias(name: "do_foo", tag: "command", priority: 100)]
#[Alias(name: "older_legacy_name", tag: "command", priority: -100)]
class Foo

The previously explained algorithm will work using all those parameters.

Using Symfony configuration


Dynamic naming stategies

This provides three different class naming strategies:

  • Passthrough name conversion which doesn't convert anything. Exposed names are your PHP class names.

  • Prefix based name conversion which will convert a string such as Foo\Shop\Domain\Order\Command\BasketProductAdd to FooShop.Order.Command.BasketProductAdd considering that the Foo\Shop\Domain namespace prefix will be always statically converted to FooShop and replacing separators using ..

  • Static map name conversion which uses a user-provided static map.

  • And of course, you may implement your own strategies using the MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMappingStrategy interface.

You can configure the name map to hold an infinite number of strategies, each one identified by a tag, which permits to each service using this API to have its own naming strategy.

The name map allows user-defined aliases map, which can hold a infinite number of name aliases for a single PHP class name, allowing your project to be resilient to past conventions. One use case for this is, for example, when you change your naming convention while being plugged over a message bus: your application may continue to consume older messages while being upgraded.

Additionnaly, it provides a few other helpers:

  • A custom Serializer interface with a default implementation which uses the symfony/serializer component. This allows code using this API to benefit from a replacable serializer.

  • A ramsey/uuid normalizer and denormalizer for symfony/serializer.

  • More are likely to be added in the future.


Install this package:

composer req makinacorpus/normalization

If you are using Symfony, add the bundle in your config/bundles.php:


return [
    // ... Your other bundles.
    MakinaCorpus\Normalization\Bridge\Symfony\NormalizationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Or you can do a standalone setup of the name map:

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap\DefaultNameMap;
use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap\PrefixNameMappingStrategy;

$nameMap = new DefaultNameMap(
    new PrefixNameMappingStrategy(

Symfony bundle configuration

Here is an example config/packages/normalization.yaml file:

# Sample configuration
        # Default name mapping strategy configuration.
        # Per default the "PrefixNameMappingStrategy" is used, which means
        # that you need to give an application name prefix string, which will
        # be all normalized names prefix, and a PHP class namespace prefix
        # that will identify which PHP classes belongs to you or not.
        # Per default the app name is "App" and the namespace prefix is
        # "App" as well, to mimic default Symfony skeleton app.
        app_name: MyApp
        class_prefix: MyVendor\\MyApp

        # Keys here are arbitrary user-defined tags.
        # Tags purpose is to allow API user to define different strategies
        # for different contextes.
        # See \MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap::TAG_* constants which
        # provides a few samples values.
        # Values must be container services identifiers.
        command: \App\Infra\Normalization\CustomCommandNameMappingStrategy
        event: \App\Infra\Normalization\CustomEventNameMappingStrategy

        # Keys here are arbitrary user-defined tags.
        # Tags purpose is to allow API user to define different strategies
        # for different contextes.
        # See \MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap::TAG_* constants which
        # provides a few samples values.
            # Actual business domain name to PHP class name conversion.
                Php\Native\Type: my_app.normalized_name
                Php\Other\Native\Type: my_app.other_normalized_name

            # Legacy aliases to PHP class name conversion.
                Php\Legacy\Name: Php\Native\Type
                Php\EvenMoreLegacy\Name: Php\Native\Type
                my_app.legacy_normalized_name: Php\Native\Type
                my_app.other_legacy_normalized_name: my_app.normalized_name


In order to use the name map, simply inject the service into the service needing it:

namespace App\Infra\Bus;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap;

class SomeBus
    public function __construct(
        private NameMap $nameMap

     * This is fictional pseudo-code.
    public function getClassBusinessName(object $message): void
        return $this

If you are working in a Symfony application, you may simply use the MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap\NameMapAware interface on the object in order for it to be automatically populated by the container:

namespace App\Infra\Bus;

use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap\NameMapAware;
use MakinaCorpus\Normalization\NameMap\NameMapAwareTrait;

class SomeBus implements NameMapAware
    use NameMapAwareTrait;

     * This is fictional pseudo-code.
    public function send(object $message): void
        return $this


A docker environement with various containers for various PHP versions is present in the sys/ folder. For tests to work in all PHP versions, you need to run composer update --prefer-lowest otherwise PHP 7.4 tests will fail.

composer install
composer update --prefer-lowest
cd sys/
./ # Run this only once