
v0.15.0 2024-01-19 14:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 16:46:48 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Build Status StyleCI

This package provides a set of handy value objects:

  • Duration
  • Period
  • Whitelist

Makeable is web- and mobile app agency located in Aarhus, Denmark.


You can install this package via composer:

composer require makeabledk/php-value-objects



Duration provides an easy way to interact with and manipulate durations of time.

Example usages

Create a duration and display formatted

Duration::create(1,30)->toFormat(); // 01:30:00

You can also specify a custom format. Valid placeholders are: h,hh,m,mm,s,ss

Duration::$format = 'h:mm';
Duration::create(1,30)->toFormat(); // 1:30

Perform simple add/subtract calculations

Duration::create(1,30)->add(Duration::create(1,30))->toFormat(); // 03:00:00
Duration::create(1,30)->subtract(Duration::create(0,20))->toFormat(); // 01:10:00

If you are using Laravel and have a Events@getDurationAttribute() accessor that converts to Duration::class, you can even do this:

$events = Events::all();
$eventsTotalDuration = Duration::sum($events, 'duration'); 

Easily export as an array, and re-instantiate if needed. Great for serving client API*.

$exported = Duration::create(1,30)->toArray(); // ['seconds' => 5400, 'minutes' => 90, 'hours' => 1.5, 'formatted' => '01:30:00']
$imported = Duration::fromArray($exported);

*Note it implements illuminate/support Arrayable contract, so it automatically casts to an array for eloquent models.


The Period object is great when you need to query data within a given period.

Example usages

Creating a period. Note that both start and end is optional.

$today = new Period(Carbon::today(), Carbon::tomorrow());
$future = new Period(Carbon::now());
$past = new Period(null, Carbon::now());

Manipulate on the fly

$thisWeek = new Period(
$thisWeek->earliest(Carbon::today())->getStart(); // carbon of today
$thisWeek->latest(Carbon::tomorrow())->getEnd(); // carbon of tomorrow

Easily export as an array, and re-instantiate if needed. Great for serving client API*.

$exported = (new Period(Carbon::today(), Carbon::tomorrow()))->toArray(); // ['start' => '2017-06-27 00:00:00', 'end' => '2017-06-28 00:00:00']
$imported = Duration::fromArray($exported);

*Note it implements illuminate/support Arrayable contract, so it automatically casts to an array for eloquent models.


Whitelist is an abstract class that you can extend to specify a certain sets of whitelisted values.

It is great to quickly whip up a Status Object that ensures you are always working with a valid status.

Example usages

Creating an OrderStatus class

class OrderStatus extends Whitelist 
    const VALUES = ['pending', 'accepted', 'cancelled'];

Now you would only be able to instantiate OrderStatus with a valid status:

$accepted = new OrderStatus('accepted');
$invalid = new OrderStatus('foobar'); // throws exception

You can customize the exception thrown. For instance you could swap it for the default Symfony/Laravel '422 UnprocessableEntityExceptions'.

OrderStatus::$exceptionClass = \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnprocessableEntityHttpException::class;

Now you have error handling out of the box for forms and wildcard controller methods (ie. '/orders/{status}') !

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


You can run the tests with:

composer test


We are happy to receive pull requests for additional functionality. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Please see License File for more information.