
PHP (8.1) Async Manager for RabbitMQ connection and channels. Wrapper over PHPinnacle Ridge

v1.0.0 2022-07-26 13:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:40:05 UTC


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Amphp RabbitMQ Manager

PHP (8.1) Async Manager for RabbitMQ connection and channels, which is a wrapper over PHPinnacle Ridge library, based on Amp


This package can be installed as a Composer dependency.

composer require makaronnik/amphp-rabbitmq-manager


  • PHP 8.1+

What is this manager used for?

  1. To get the connected client (PHPinnacle\Ridge\Client). In case of unsuccessful connection (an exception occurs), it attempts to reconnect (the number of attempts is configured in the manager's constructor). When AsyncEvent is configured, an event is emitted that a connection has been made.
  2. To get the active channel (PHPinnacle\Ridge\Channel) by its name. Before that, the manager verifies the connection and, if necessary, performs the connection process.
  3. To handle an exceptional disconnect. With a logger configured and an exception passed, a log entry is made. When AsyncEvent is configured, an event is emitted that the connection is lost.

Basic Usage


use Amp\Loop;
use PHPinnacle\Ridge\Client;
use PHPinnacle\Ridge\Channel;
use PHPinnacle\Ridge\Message;
use Makaronnik\RabbitManager\Manager;
use Cspray\Labrador\AsyncEvent\AmpEventEmitter;
use Cspray\Labrador\AsyncEvent\StandardEventFactory;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

Loop::run(static function () {
    $dsn = getenv('RABBIT_EXAMPLE_DSN');

    if (false === \is_string($dsn) || empty($dsn)) {
        echo 'No example dsn! Please set RABBIT_EXAMPLE_DSN environment variable.', \PHP_EOL;


    $manager = new Manager(
        client: Client::create($dsn),
        pendingConnectionQueue: new SplQueue(),
        maxAttempts: 30,
        eventEmitter: new AmpEventEmitter(),
        eventFactory: new StandardEventFactory()

    $channel = yield $manager->getChanel('testChannel');

    try {
        yield $channel->queueDeclare('basic_queue', false, false, false, true);

        for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
            yield $channel->publish("test_$i", '', 'basic_queue');

        yield $channel->consume(function (Message $message, Channel $channel) {
            echo $message->content . \PHP_EOL;
            yield $channel->ack($message);
        }, 'basic_queue');

    } catch (Throwable $exception) {
        yield $manager->handleConnectionBreak($exception);

    yield $manager->disconnect('Bye!');

Use case

If you run your application in a containerized environment (eg Docker Compose), in most cases your application will start much faster than the RabbitMQ container is ready to go. This will throw an exception in your application when trying to create a connected client. You will need to catch this exception yourself and attempt to reconnect at a certain interval and number of attempts.

You can use the dockerize utility to run your application after the RabbitMQ server is ready to respond to requests:

CMD dockerize -wait tcp://rabbitmq:5672 -timeout 30s php app.php

But, some rebbit images, like bitnami/rabbitmq, do a pre-configuration run first, and then restart the server in production mode. This behavior will trick your dockerize into giving it a response in the first stage of startup, then your application will start up and get an exception when trying to connect to RabbitMQ as the server will go into a restart.

In this case, it would be wise to use dockerize to get the first response from the server, and amphp-rabbitmq-manager to successfully get a connection after your application has started.


makaronnik/amphp-rabbitmq-manager follows the semver semantic versioning specification.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.