
Deployments for TYPO3

v10.4.2-stable 2024-11-28 15:56 UTC


When running a deployment the following stages and corresponding tasks are executed.

Stage 1: initialize

This is normally used only for an initial deployment to an instance. At this stage you may prefill certain directories for example.

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\Generic\CreateDirectoriesTask
  2. TYPO3\Surf\Task\CreateDirectoriesTask
  3. TYPO3\Surf\Task\DumpDatabaseTask (wenn initialDeployment == true)
  4. TYPO3\Surf\Task\RsyncFoldersTask (wenn initialDeployment == true)

Stage 2: lock deployment

Lock deployment


  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\UnlockDeploymentTask (wenn --force-run)


  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\LockDeploymentTask

Stage 3: package

This stage is where you normally package all files and assets, which will be transferred to the next stage.

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\Package\GitTask
  2. TYPO3\Surf\DefinedTask\Composer\LocalInstallTask
  3. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\File\CopyEnvTask
  4. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\File\CopyHtaccessTask
  5. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\File\CopyAdditionalConfigurationTask
  6. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\File\FixPermissionsTask
  7. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\Git\SetFileModeIgnoreTask
  8. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\Composer\InstallStagingTask OR Madj2k\Surf\Task\Local\Composer\InstallProductionTask

Stage 4: transfer

Here all tasks are located which serve to transfer the assets from your local computer to the node, where the application runs.

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\Transfer


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\File\CreateVarFoldersTask
  2. TYPO3\Surf\Task\Generic\CreateSymlinksTask
  3. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\CreatePackageStatesTask

Stage 5: update

Update the application assets on the node


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\CMS\LockForEditorsTask


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\CMS\UpgradeTask


  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\SymlinkDataTask
  2. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\CopyConfigurationTask

Stage 6: migrate

Migrate (Doctrine, custom)

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\SetUpExtensionsTask
  2. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\CompareDatabaseTask

Stage 7: finalize

Prepare final release (e.g. warmup)


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\File\FixPermissionsTask
  2. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\TYPO3\CMS\FixFolderStructureTask


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\File\CopyDummyFilesTask (only if NOT on production!)

Stage 8: test

Smoke test

Stage 9: Switch

Do symlink to current release. This is the crucial stage. Here the old live instance is switched with the new prepared instance. Normally the new instance is symlinked.

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\SymlinkReleaseTask


  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\TYPO3\CMS\FlushCachesTask

Stage 10: cleanup

Delete temporary files or previous releases

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\CleanupReleasesTask

Stage 11: unlock

Unlock deployment

  1. TYPO3\Surf\Task\UnlockDeploymentTask
  2. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\TYPO3\CMS\UnlockForEditorsTask


  1. Madj2k\Surf\Task\Remote\EmailNotification

Folders and files for your deployment project

If you want to deploy your TYPO3 project with this extension, you should create a few folder structures and files to be able to use the full potential.

Folder: .surf

Contains the configuration for the TYPO3 extension Surf for deployment and the corresponding Deployment-Scripts.

File: .surf/Production.php

use Madj2k\Surf\Deployment;

 * Deployment-Script
 * @author Steffen Kroggel <>
 * @copyright Madj2k
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
 * @var \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\Deployment $deployment

// load options
$options = require_once __DIR__ . '/Credentials/Production.php';

// make deployment
$myDeployment = new Deployment($deployment, $options);

File: .surf/Staging.php

use Madj2k\Surf\Deployment;

 * Deployment-Script
 * @author Steffen Kroggel <>
 * @copyright Madj2k
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
 * @var \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\Deployment $deployment

// load options
$options = require_once __DIR__ . '/Credentials/Staging.php';

// make deployment
$myDeployment = new Deployment($deployment, $options);

Folder: .surf/Credentials

Contains the access data for the respective environments. IMPORTANT: Do not put these files into your versioning!


 * Credentials
 * @author Steffen Kroggel <>
 * @copyright Madj2k
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
 * @version 1.0.3
return [
    'context' => 'Production/Staging',
    'projectName' => 'Example',
    'deploymentPath' => '/var/www/',
    'phpBinaryPathAndFilename' => '/usr/bin/php7.4',
    'adminMail' => '',

    'hostname' => '',
    'username' => '',
    'password' => '',
    'port' => '',

    'repositoryUrl' => '',
    'branch' => 'staging',
    'doUpgrade' => false,
    'queryFileBeforeUpgrade' => '',
    'queryFileAfterUpgrade' => ''

File: / / _.htaccess.stage / / / _.nginx.stage

Contains the settings for the given environment. You can use .htaccess for Apache or .nginx for Nginx. Will be deployed automatically.

File: / / _.htpasswd.stage

Same as _htaccess.*

File: composer.json

Contains the packages to install. To be able to install packages that themselves have dependencies on packages that are only available as @dev, you need to specify the minimum-stabilty in combination with prefer-stable. With preferred-install you can specify that certain packages should be installed as GIT repositories so that you can work on them directly.

Folder: dummy

Contains dummy files for sys_file-references. The content of this folder will be deployed on your stage-environment (of course not on production!)

File: / / _.env.stage

This file contains a list of all extensions to be activated in the given enviroment. If this file is copied to .env before installation, the package "helhum/dotenv-connector" will automatically create a corresponding PackageStates.php.


# Context

# A set of TYPO3 framework extensions (delivered within typo3/cms), which should be marked as active

File: public/typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php

This file contains the relevant settings for the according environment. IMPORTANT: Do NOT put any access data or enycryption keys into versioning that are relevant for the live environment. These are ONLY to be put into LocalConfiguation.php on production and stage respectively!!!

How to deploy

For the deployment you need a branch with the same name as the deployment-step you want to execute.


  • If you want to deploy into the staging-enviroment you have to push everything to the staging-branch.
  • If you want to deploy into the production-enviroment you have to push everything to the production-branch.

You also need a deployment script with the same name as the branch you want to deploy, e.g ./.surf/Staging.php for staging-branch.

Beyond that it is necessary to create a corresponding credential file in .surf/Credentials. Use the example above as template.

Before you deploy

In case there are any uncommitted changes, please commit them in the corresponding repository to prevent losing them when calling composer throughout the deployment process.

In case you may need a new extension, please don't forget to publish it on packagist. Otherwise it won't be available to standard composer update process.

  • In order to make your changes effective, the composer.lock has to get the new version information. So in your website-repository do a
vm$ composer update
  • The new composer.lock has to be committed as well. So you need to push the changes of your website-repository before executing a deployment.

The deployment

Do the deployment using the following command from your DocumentRoot.

IMPORTANT: The surf extension requires PHP 7 on the CLI IMPORTANT: Do NOT run deployment with root or super-user!!! Always use your local user (e.g. via vagrant ssh or via ddev ssh) IMPORTANT: Please login to the TYPO3 backend of your target installation (Staging, Production, ...), so you may have access to it, even if anything may fail or break during the deployment with .surf.

vm$ php ./vendor/typo3/surf/bin/surf deploy <DEPLOYMENT-FILE>
vm$ php ./vendor/typo3/surf/bin/surf deploy Staging

You can use verbose-output to get more information if something goes wrong:

vm$ php ./vendor/typo3/surf/bin/surf deploy Staging -v
vm$ php ./vendor/typo3/surf/bin/surf deploy Staging -vv
vm$ php ./vendor/typo3/surf/bin/surf deploy Staging -vvv

Important hints

  • Make sure PHP APCU is installed
apt-get install php7.4-apc php7.4-apcu

When running with doUpgrade

  • Before running the deployment with doUpgrade = true make sure your MySQL-user has the right privileges to execute a mysldump:
GRANT RELOAD, PROCESS ON *.* TO 'my-user'@'%';
  • If you have an external server to access, you need to at least install mysql-client
apt-get mysql-client
  • If you are trying to access an older MySQL-version via MySQL-Client v8+, you should add this line in your /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Changes with v10.4.0

  • The symlink-folders in surf/shared/Data have changed. Please create the following folders on your target server or move existing folders accoringly. Make sure all permissions on these folders are set to your web-user
mkdir typo3temp
mv assets typo3temp/assets
mkdir var
mv logs var/logs
mv labels var/labels
mkdir uploads
mkdir logs
  • If you have been using \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\ApcBackend remove this from your LocalConfiguation.php BEFORE upgrading to TYPO3 v10. Otherwise the deployment may not run through.
  • The extension now uses "public" as web-directory (before it was "web"). Make sure your web-directory and your symlinks on the server are changed accordingly!