
Add private label functionality to mach3laravel applications

v2.2 2024-04-02 11:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-02 11:57:24 UTC


This package is designed for the laravel-starter. It presupposes that your project was initiated using the laravel-starter template.


Install the package via composer:

composer require mach3builders/laravel-privatelabel

Publish and execute migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mach3builders\PrivateLabel\PrivateLabelServiceProvider" --tag="privatelabel-migrations"

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mach3builders\PrivateLabel\PrivateLabelServiceProvider" --tag="privatelabel-config"

Here's the published configuration file:

return [
     * The owner model of the private label
    'owner_model' => App\Models\Account::class,

     * The layout the extend the views off
    'extend_layout' => 'privatelabel::layout',

     * Middleware the private label route should live under
    'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'locale'],

     * The prefix used inside the route group
    'route_prefix' => 'app',

     * The domain that runs the main app this is used for the nginx template
    'main_domain' => env('PRIVATE_LABEL_MAIN_DOMAIN'),
     * The domain every label needs to be cnamed to
    'domain' => env('PRIVATE_LABEL_DOMAIN'),

     * Forge information
    'forge' => [
        'api_token' => env('FORGE_API_TOKEN'),
        'server_id' => env('FORGE_SERVER_ID'),
        'server_ip' => env('FORGE_SERVER_IP'),

     * Forge information
    'mailgun' => [
        'api_token' => env('MAILGUN_API_TOKEN', ''),

Add the following variables to your .env file:


Migrate the database

php artisan migrate



Include the index route in your menu:

    <li class="nav-item">
        <a href="{{ route('private-label.index', {REPLACE_WITH_OWNER_MODEL}) }}" class="nav-link{{ Route::is('private-label.*') ? ' active' : '' }}">
            <span class="ui-icon-text">
                <i class="far fa-tag"></i>
                <span>{{ __('Private label') }}</span>


Incorporate this trait into your owner model as specified in the config:

use Mach3builders\PrivateLabel\Traits\HasPrivateLabel;

use HasPrivateLabel;


Insert this snippet into your app.js:

import '@mach3builders/ui/dist/js/plugins/poller'

    running: function(target, data) {
        switch(data.current_status) {
            case 'dns_validating':

            case 'dns_validated':

            case 'site_installing':
    done: function (target, data) {

Brand Customization

To easily manage brand-specific elements like logos and favicons, use this Brand.php template:


namespace App;

class Brand
    public static function name()
        return label()->name
            ?? config('', 'Mach3Builders');

    public static function logoLight()
        return optional(label())->hasMedia('logo_light')
            ? label()->getFirstMediaUrl('logo_light')
            : config('brand.logo_light');

    public static function logoDark()
        return optional(label())->hasMedia('logo_dark')
            ? label()->getFirstMediaUrl('logo_dark')
            : config('brand.logo_dark');

    public static function logoLoginHeight()
        return optional(label())->hasMedia('logo_dark')
            ? label()->logo_login_height
            : config('brand.logo_login_height');

    public static function logoAppHeight()
        return optional(label())->hasMedia('logo_light')
            ? label()->logo_app_height
            : config('brand.logo_app_height');

    public static function favicon()
        return optional(label())->hasMedia('favicon')
            ? label()->getFirstMediaUrl('favicon')
            : config('brand.favicon');

    public static function registration()
        return config('brand.registration');

Label API

The label() helper is provided by this package. Here are the methods and properties you can access:


public string $domain;
public string $name;
public string $email;
public string $logo_login_height; // should be used together with the logo_login
public string $logo_app_height; // should be used together with the logo_app
public string $status; // has one of the following statusses

protected $statusses = [


The email page gives the user the possibility to add a email to their private label. The domain of that email then gets added to the mailgun account of m3b. The user then has the ability to verify that this domain has been added and is verified.

After the domain has been verified the EmailDomainVerified event gets dispatched. See the following example on how to listen to this event.

protected $listen = [
    // ...
    \Mach3builders\PrivateLabel\Events\EmailDomainVerified::class => [


Use the viewPrivateLabel gate for secure access. Add this to your AuthServiceProvider.php:

function boot() 
    // ...
    return Gate::define('viewPrivateLabel', function ($user, $owner_id) {
        return app()->environment(['local', 'testing']);
    // ...


The following method returns the owner of the private label. This corresponds with the owner model set in the config

public function owner()

Since laravel-privatelabel uses spatie/medialibary all the methods are available. The following collections are defined inside the PrivateLabel model

public function registerMediaCollections(): void


The packages comes with 2 commands, one to update all php versions of the private labels and one to reinstall all private labels on the forge server.

Reinstall labels

the following command will reinstall all private labels on the forge server. The private label will be updated to status dns_validating and will go trough the process of being installed on the server.

To reinstall all labels use:

php artisan label:reinstall

To reinstall a specific label use:

php artisan label:reinstall --label=LABEL_ID

Update label php versions

The following command will update all the php versions of the private labels. The php version will be updated to the latest version available on the forge server. Or to the version specified in the prompts asked to the user when running the command

php artisan label:update-php


composer test

Code styling

All code should be styled using the following command:

composer pint