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Certitrade wrapper for Nette Framework.

dev-master 2018-02-05 08:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 06:50:20 UTC


This is small Nette Framework wrapper for Certitrade gateway.


The easiest way to install library is via Composer.

$ composer require lzaplata/certitrade: dev-master

or edit composer.json in your project

"require": {
        "lzaplata/certitrade": "dev-master"

You have to register the library as extension in config.neon file.

        payu: LZaplata\Certitrade\DI\Extension

Now you can set parameters...

        merchantId      : *
        apiKey          : *
        sandbox         : true
        language        : en        // must be 2 digits language code
        currency        : SEK       // must be 3 digits uppercase currency code

...and autowire library to presenter

use LZaplata\Certitrade\Service;

/** @var Service @inject */
public $certitrade;


Before payment

In first step you must create new payment.

$payment = $this->certitrade->createOrder([
        "description" => $description,           
        "amount" => $price,                         // order price in lowest currency unit (1 CZK = 100)
        "reference" => $id,                         // eshop unique id
        "return_url" => $returnUrl,                 // return url from gateway (no matter of payment result)
        "callback_url" => $callbackUrl,             // url to report back via POST call while payment is under way

Second step decides if creating order is successful...

try {
        $response = $this->certitrade->pay($payment);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
        print $e->getMessage();

...before redirecting to gateway you can get Certitrade ID and merge it with your order

$certitradeId = $response->id;

// updates order

...and finally you can redirect to gateway.


After payment

You can get payment via Certitrade ID...

$payment = $this->certitrade->getPayment($certitradeId);

...end decide if payment has been payed.

if ($this->certitrade->isPaid($payment)) {
    // do something
} else {
    // otherwise do something else