
LYRASOFT FormKit Package

Installs: 91

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.1.5 2025-02-23 17:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-23 17:33:54 UTC



Install from composer

composer require lyrasoft/formkit

Then copy files to project

php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/formkit -t routes -t migrations -t seeders


  • Add formkit-seeder.php to resources/seeders/main.php

Language Files

Add this line to admin & front middleware if you don't want to override languages:

$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor('lyrasoft/formkit', 'ini');

// OR

$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor(\Lyrasoft\Formkit\FormkitPackage::class, 'ini');

Or run this command to copy languages files:

php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/formkit -t lang

Register Admin Menu

Edit resources/menu/admin/

// Contact
    ->icon('fal fa-layer-group');

Use As Standalone Page

Copy URL or open page from edit sidebar:


You will see standalone page:


The page extends layout is configuable, see config file:

    // ...
    'view' => [
        'default_extends' => 'global.body',
        'extends' => [
            'global.body' => 'Default Layout',
            // You can add new layout
            '' => 'Blog Layout',
    // ...

Add a new layout option, then it can be choose:


You can disable page view by toggle 可使用公開網址, if disable this field, the URL will unable to access form.


Use By ShortCode

You must manually process short code in code, for example:

$formkitService = $app->retrieve(\Lyrasoft\Formkit\Formkit\FormkitService::class);

// In blade
{!! $formkitService->parseShortCode($article->getFulltext()) !!}

Now you can copy the short-code to article content:


Short-code usage:

[formkit id=123]
[formkit alias=foo-bar]
[formkit id=123 force=1]

Formkit Publish Down

When as formkit is render by short-code and was publish down, there are another formkit/formkit-unpublish.blade.php layout to show end information, it is default empty, you can modify it if you need.

Configure Mail

In etc/packages/formkit.php, you can add custom cc, bcc or target roles to receive mails.

The users fetch by roles, must enable Receive Email that can receive mail.

    // ...

    'receivers' => [
        'roles' => [
        'cc' => [
        'bcc' => [

    // ...

To modify mail layout, see mail/formkit-receiver-mail.blade.php and formkit/formkit-preview-table.blade.php

Form Fields And Components

Add Custom Widget to Field Cards

There has 3 porisions you can insert widgets to field card:

  • start
  • end
  • toolbar


The code example:

import '@main';
import type { App } from 'vue';

const { watch, ref } = Vue;

u.on('formkit.prepared', (app: App) => {
  app.provide('field.card.end', FieldCardEnd);

const FieldCardEnd = Vue.defineComponent({
  name: 'FieldCardEnd',
  template: `
  <div class="row">
    <div class="form-group col-lg-3">
      <label class="form-label" for="">背景顏色</label>
        <input type="color" class="form-control"
          v-model.lazy="item.background_color" />
  props: {
    modelValue: null,
  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const item = ref(props.modelValue);

    watch(item, (v) => {
      emit('update:modelValue', v);
    }, { deep: true });

    return {

Override Field Edit Components

Fields components is localted at assets/src/fields/*.ts, copy the file you want to override to root project's resources/assets/src.

And use $asset->alias() to override this file.
