
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Laravel Nova - Import Export Card

v1.0.0 2023-05-23 09:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-12-12 11:39:21 UTC


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Customization


  • php: ^7.4 | ^8
  • laravel/nova: ^4


composer require lupennat/import-export-card


Next up, you must register the card(s). This is typically done in the card method of the corresponding resource or the NovaServiceProvider.

// in  app/Nova/<Resource>.php

    public function cards(NovaRequest $request)
        return [
            new \Lupennat\ImportExportCard\ImportCard(self::class),
            (new \Lupennat\ImportExportCard\DownloadImportSampleCard(asset('import-samples/file.csv')))
                ->withHelp('By importing you will insert a new row or update duplicate entries.'),
            new \Lupennat\ImportExportCard\ExportCard(self::class),


To customize the import/export process create a new importer/exporter class. The importer class is basically just an import implementation of the laravel-excel package. The exporter class is basically just an export implementation of the laravel-excel package. The easiest way to get started is to extend Lupennat\ImportExportCard\BasicImporter or Lupennat\ImportExportCard\BasicExporter and overwrite the different methods. During the import process you may throw an exception of the type Lupennat\ImportExportCard\ImportException with an error message visible for the user. You may also add a message(): String method to customize the success message.

The custom importer/exporter classes can be registered on global or resource basis.

// app/Nova/User.php

class User extends Resource

    public static $importer = CustomImporter::class;

    public static $exporter = CustomExporter::class;

    // ...


ImportExport Card is based on original Nova Import Card.