This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the multiplier/jad-log package instead.

JadLog SDK

2.0 2020-10-29 16:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-11-02 19:23:50 UTC


Instale o pacote pelo composer

composer require multiplier/jad-log

Rode vendor:publish e selecione o número corespondente

php artisan vendor:publish

insira seu acesso em config/jadlog.php

return [
	'gmkey' => env('GMKEY', 'GMKEY'),
	'gmtoken' => env('GMTOKEN', 'GMTOKEN'),
	'cep_source' => ''


use JadLog\Services;


$items = [
    'price' => 10.00,
    'height' => 5,
    'width' => 5,
    'length' => 5,
    'weigth' => 0.5,
    'amount' => 1,
    'sku' => 'ABC',

$jadLog = new Services;

$result = [];

$responseJadLog = $jadLog->setCepDestiny('12345-678')

foreach($responseJadLog as $item) {
  $result[] = [
      'prazo' => $v->getTime(),
      'preco' => $v->getPrice(),
      'servico' => $v->getServiceName()