
Blacklisting bounced email addresses on AWS Simple Email Service (SES) for Laravel 8|9|10

1.0.3 2023-10-23 15:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 18:38:23 UTC


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Using AWS Simple Email Service (SES) for sending emails and newsletters is very common in Laravel apps nowadays. AWS SES configurations for Laravel is easy to follow as well.

The problem now is the maintenance part of sending these emails. Sending emails to unverified addresses can cause bounces whereas sending too many emails can cause complaints. If these bounces and complaints are left unchecked, it may cause the reputation of the sender to be damaged.

According to this documentation, if the bounce or complaint rates are too high, AWS might place the account under review or pause the account's ability to send email.

The aim of this package, luchavez/aws-ses-bounce, is to monitor the email bounces, complaints, and successful deliveries. This package records the recipient email addresses and their bounces, complaints, and deliveries.

One cool feature of this package is the automatic blocking. When a set amount of bounces or complaints is reached, the email address causing that will be immediately blocked. Another cool feature would be the automatic removal of blocked email address from to, cc, and bcc recipients during email sending.

Here's the entity relationship diagram (ERD) of this package:


Want to contribute? Visit to see a todo list.


Via Composer

$ composer require luchavez/aws-ses-bounce:^1.0.0

Setting Up

  1. Run php artisan migrate to create the tables.

  2. Add these variables to .env file if you want to override the default values of the package's config.

Variable Name Default Value Description
ASB_API_MIDDLEWARE [] This will be used by all API routes within the package except the webhooks.
ASB_EMAIL_TEST_API_ENABLED true This route is used for sending test emails.
ASB_DUMP_URL config('app.url') This route will be used for dumping data. Useful for debugging.
ASB_DUMP_ENABLED false Decides whether the dump data route will be accessible or not.
ASB_VALIDATE_SIGNATURE false Decides whether to enforce signed routes.
ASB_MAX_BOUNCE_COUNT 3 Maximum bounce count an email can get before being blocked.
ASB_SOFT_DELETE_NOTIFICATIONS false Decides whether to soft-delete SES Feedback Notifications.
ASB_DELIVERIES_MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS 7 Maximum age in days of Delivery Notification.


AWS SES Bounce Service

The package provides a service called AwsSesBounce which you can use by calling its helper functions:

  1. awsSesBounce()
  2. aws_ses_bounce()

Here's the list of its available methods.

Method Name Return Type Description
getBlockedEmails Collection gets the list of blocked emails from cache
getApiMiddleware array gets the middleware for other API routes
filterBouncedEmails array separates rejected email address from accepted ones
isEmailTestApiEnabled bool checks if send test email API is enabled
sendTestEmail void sends test email to to, cc, and bcc recipients
getMaxBounceCount int gets maximum bounce count before automatic block
block void blocks an email address manually
unblock void unblocks an email address manually
getBounceReasons Collection gets list of possible bounce reasons
shouldSoftDeleteNotifications bool check whether to soft-delete or force-delete notifications
getDeliveryNotificationMaxAgeInDays int get maximum age in days for delivery notifications

GenerateAwsSesBounceSignedURLCommand Artisan Command

To be able to receive AWS SES feedbacks via AWS SNS Topics, you must generate first the endpoints by running:

php artisan asb:generate

You'll be getting something like this:

AWS SES Bounce HTTP Endpoints

Submit these endpoints to assigned DevOps personnel so they can set it up on AWS Console.


AWS SES Bounce Route List

Note: If APP_ENV is equal to production, api/aws-ses/test and api/aws-ses/dump routes will be disabled.


Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


To send test emails, you can use the /api/aws-ses/test route. Add to, cc, and bcc recipients - can be array or just a single value.

AWS SES Bounce Send Test Email


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



Please see the license file for more information.