
LOX24 SMS GatewayAPI v2 official client

0.2.2 2024-05-31 10:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:41:48 UTC



The documentation for the LOX24 API can be found [here][https://doc.lox24.eu].


lox24-client-php uses Semantic Versioning for all changes. See this document for details.

Supported PHP Versions

This library supports the following PHP implementations:

  • PHP 8.2
  • PHP 8.3


Compatible PSR-7 and PSR-17 Libraries

This project is compatible with a range of libraries adhering to the PSR-17 and PSR-18 standards. Below is a list of well-known libraries that provide robust support for these standards, ensuring flexibility and interoperability in your application's HTTP client implementation.

You could use your own or any PSR-17/PSR-18 compatible libraries, e.g.:

Install with Composer

lox24-client-php is available on Packagist as the lox24eu/lox24_api_client package:

composer require lox24eu/lox24_api_client

Usage example with Guzzle HTTP client

Add Guzzle HTTP client implementation to your project:

composer require lox24eu/lox24_api_client

Example of the script which sends an SMS using LOX24's REST API and PHP:

// Send an SMS using LOX24's REST API and PHP

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory as GuzzleRequestFactory;
use lox24\api_client\api\Lox24Api;
use lox24\api_client\api\sms\SmsItemRequest;
use lox24\api_client\Client;
use lox24\api_client\Config;
use lox24\api_client\exceptions\access\AccessException;
use lox24\api_client\exceptions\ApiException;
use lox24\api_client\exceptions\ClientException;
use lox24\api_client\exceptions\resource\ResourceException;
use lox24\api_client\exceptions\service\ServiceException;

$token = 'your_token_here';
$config = new Config($token);
$httpClient = new GuzzleClient();
$requestFactory = new GuzzleRequestFactory();
$client = new Client($httpClient, $requestFactory, $config);
$api = new Lox24Api($client);

$sms = new SmsItemRequest(
    'sms text'

try {
    $response = $api->sms()->sendSms($sms, true);
    echo "ID: {$response->getId()}\n";
    echo "Price: {$response->getPrice()}";
} catch (AccessException $e) {
    echo "Access error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (ResourceException $e) {
    echo "Resource error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (ServiceException $e) {
    echo "Service error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (ClientException $e) {
    echo "Client error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    echo "Server error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";

Usage examples

For more examples, see the examples directory.

Exception Handling in LOX24 SMS Gateway Client

The LOX24 SMS Gateway Client library defines several exceptions to handle various error scenarios gracefully. All custom exception classes extend the base ApiException class.

Access Exceptions (AccessException)

Thrown when there is a generic access-related error.

  • AccountBlocked: Thrown when the user account is blocked due to policy violations or suspicious activities.
  • InvalidCredentials: Thrown when provided credentials are invalid.
  • IpBlocked: Thrown when requests from the current IP are blocked.
  • NotEnoughFundsPerOperation: Thrown when the account balance is insufficient for the operation.
  • TwoManyRequests: Thrown when the rate limit is exceeded.

Resource Exceptions (ResourceException)

A generic exception for resource-related errors.

  • BadRequest: Thrown when the server cannot process the request due to a client error.
  • ResourceNotFound: Thrown when a requested resource is not found.
  • UnprocessableRequest: Thrown when the server understands the request but is unable to process the contained instructions.

Service Exceptions (ServiceException)

Thrown when there is a generic service-related error.

  • RequestException: Thrown when there is an issue with the request sent to the service.
  • UnexpectedException: Thrown when an unexpected condition was encountered, .e.g. server unavailable.


This exception is a type of ApiException that represents errors that occur due to problems on the client side. It acts as a base exception for client-related issues. For example, this exception should be thrown when the client's request is malformed or when there is a failure in client-side logic before making a request to the server.

Handling Exceptions

Here's how you might catch and handle these exceptions in your application:

try {
    // Code that interacts with the SMS Gateway Client
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    // Handle all exceptions derived from ApiException
    // Additional error handling...

Getting help

If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!