
Silex 2.0+ console application

2.0.6 2017-03-17 15:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 22:44:51 UTC



Console application for Silex 2.0+ micro-framework.

This project is a part of silex-tools library.


You can install silex-console with Composer:

composer require lokhman/silex-console


A wrapper class for Symfony Console application that registers console commands and service providers.

#!/usr/bin/env php
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Silex\Application;
use Silex\Provider as Providers;
use Lokhman\Silex\Console\Console;
use Lokhman\Silex\Console\Command as Commands;
use Lokhman\Silex\Console\Provider as Providers;

$app = new Application();
$app->register(new Providers\DoctrineServiceProvider());

$console = new Console($app);

// add console command
$console->add(new Commands\Session\SchemaCreateCommand());

// register console service providers
$console->registerServiceProvider(new Providers\DoctrineServiceProvider());
$console->registerServiceProvider(new Providers\DoctrineMigrationsServiceProvider(), [
    'migrations.directory' => __DIR__ . '/../app/migrations',
    'migrations.namespace' => 'Project\Migrations',


Console supports ConfigServiceProvider and adds --env (-e in short) option to all registered commands.

Cron Commands

The library provides commands for running background tasks as cron. Configuration supports cron schedule expressions.

$app = new Application([
    'cron' => [
        'task1' => [
            'command' => 'app:some:command',        // internal commands (always sync!)
            'arguments' => ['--env' => $env],       // arguments as array
            'at' => '0 0 * * *',                    // cron expression
            'output' => '&',                        // "&" is to redirect output to cron stdout
        'task2' => [
            'raw' => '/path/to/task2',              // raw command line
            'at' => '@daily',                       // cron expression
            'output' => '/path/to/task2.log',       // output to file
        'task3' => [
            'raw' => '/path/to/task3',              // raw command line
            'at' => '@annually',                    // cron expression
            'output' => null,                       // disable output (default)

$console = new Console($app);
$console->add(new Commands\Cron\RunCommand());


Library is available under the MIT license. The included LICENSE file describes this in detail.