loffel / laravel-rabbitmq
Simple rabbitmq integration for Laravel
- php: 7.*|8.*
- php-amqplib/php-amqplib: >=2.7|3.*
Requires (Dev)
- phpmd/phpmd: @stable
- phpunit/phpunit: 9.*
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 2.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-11 13:06:57 UTC
Laravel RabbitMQ
A simple rabbitmq library for laravel based on Publish–Subscribe pattern where the subscriber is the Consumer.
Table of Contents
2.1. Connections
2.2. Queues
2.3. Exchanges
2.4. Publishers
2.5. Consumers
3.1. Publishing a message
3.2. Consuming a message
1. Install
composer require needle-project/laravel-rabbitmq
For Laravel version 5.5 or higher the library should be automatically loaded via Package discovery.
For Laravel versions below 5.5 you need to add the service provider to app.php
<?php return [ // ... 'providers' => [ // ... NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Providers\ServiceProvider::class, ], // ... ];
2. Configure
- Create a new file called
inside your Laravel's config directory. (Or useartisan vendor:publish
- Read more here) - Fill out the config based on your needs.
The configuration files has 5 main nodes: connections, exchanges, queues, publishers, consumers.
They are used in the following mode:
Example config:
return [ 'connections' => [ 'connectionA' => [/** Connection A attributes */], 'connectionB' => [/** Connection B attributes */], ], 'exchanges' => [ 'exchangeA' => [ // Tells that the exchange will use the connection A 'connection' => 'connectionA', /** Exchange A Attributes */ ], 'exchangeB' => [ // Tells that the exchange will use the connection B 'connection' => 'connectionB', /** Exchange B Attributes */ ] ], 'queues' => [ 'queueA' => [ // Tells that the queue will use the connection alias A 'connection' => 'connectionA', /** Queue A Attributes */ ] ], 'publishers' => [ 'aPublisherName' => /** will publish to exchange defined by alias */ 'exchangeA' ], 'consumers' => [ 'aConsumerName' => [ // will read messages from 'queue' => 'queueA', // and will send the for processing to an "NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\MessageProcessorInterface" 'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class ] ] ]
2.1. Connections
Connection attributes:
- All attributes are optional, if not defined the defaults will be used.
Attribute | Type | Default value | Description |
hostname | string | | The host for the RabbitMQ instance |
port | integer | 5672 | The port for the RabbitMQ instance |
username | string | guest | Default's RabbiqMQ username |
password | string | guest | Default's RabbiqMQ username |
vhost | string | / | RabbitMQ Virtual Host. Read more here. |
lazy | boolean | true | Setting it lazy will only make the connection when an action that needs the connection willl be called |
read_write_timeout | integer | 3 | TTL for read/write operations. |
connect_timeout | integer | 3 | TTL for the connection |
heartbeat | integer | 0 | Whether to check the socket connection periodically. Read more here. |
keep_alive | boolean | false | Whether to use system's keep alive property. Read more here. |
2.2. Queues
Queue main nodes:
Node key | Type | Description |
connection | string | The reference to the connection that should be used. |
name | string | The actual name of the queue on RabbitMQ |
attributes | array | Optional attributes for the queue |
Queue attributes
Attribute key | Type | Default | Description |
passive | boolean | false | This is an AMQP attribute. Read about [here] (https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html) |
durable | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
exclusive | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
auto_delete | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
internal | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
nowait | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
auto_create | boolean | false | Whether should try to create (and bind) the queue when queried. |
throw_exception_on_redeclare | boolean | true | Throw exception when re-declare of the queue fails |
throw_exception_on_bind_fail | boolean | true | Throw exception when cannot create the bindings |
bind | array | empty | Whether should bind to an exchange: See Example 1. |
Example 1:
[ ['exchange' => 'first.exchange', 'routing_key' => '*'], ['exchange' => 'second.exchange', 'routing_key' => 'foo_bar'], ]
2.3. Exchanges
Exchange main nodes:
Node key | Type | Description |
connection | string | The reference to the connection that should be used. |
name | string | The actual name of the queue on RabbitMQ |
attributes | array | Optional attributes for the exchange |
Exchange attributes
Attribute key | Type | Default | Description |
exchange_type | string | - | Mandatory The type of the exchange (direct / fanout / topic / headers). View description [here] (https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html) |
passive | boolean | false | This is an AMQP attribute. Read about [here] (https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html) |
durable | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
auto_delete | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
internal | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
nowait | boolean | false | Same as passive attribute |
auto_create | boolean | false | Whether should try to create (and bind) the queue when queried. |
throw_exception_on_redeclare | boolean | true | Throw exception when re-declare of the queue fails |
throw_exception_on_bind_fail | boolean | true | Throw exception when cannot create the bindings |
bind | array | empty | Whether should bind to an exchange: See Example 2. |
Example 2:
[ ['queue' => 'first.exchange', 'routing_key' => '*'], ['queue' => 'second.exchange', 'routing_key' => 'foo_bar'], ]
2.4. Publishers
A publisher push a message on an exchange (but it can also push it on a queue). Defining a publishers:
'publishers' => [ 'myFirstPublisher' => 'echangeAliasName', 'mySecondPublisher' => 'queueAliasName' // and many as you need ]
2.5. Consumers
A consumer will alway get message from a queue. Define a consumer:
'consumers' => [ 'myConsumerName' => [ 'queue' => 'queueAliasName', 'prefetch_count' => 1, 'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class ] ]
Field | Type | Description |
queue | string | Reference of the defined queue block. |
prefetch_count | int | Default: 1. The number of the message that a cosumer will grab without ack. Read more here |
passive | boolean | false |
durable | boolean | false |
auto_delete | boolean | false |
internal | boolean | false |
nowait | boolean | false |
auto_create | boolean | false |
throw_exception_on_redeclare | boolean | true |
throw_exception_on_bind_fail | boolean | true |
bind | array | empty |
3. Usage
After configuring, you should end up with a configuration file laravel_rabbitmq.php
similar to this one:
return [ 'connections' => [ 'connectionA' => [], ], 'exchanges' => [ 'exchangeA' => [ 'connection' => 'connectionA', 'name' => 'foo_bar', 'attributes' => [ 'exchange_type' => 'topic' ] ] ], 'queues' => [ 'queueB' => [ 'connection' => 'connectionA', 'name' => 'foo_bar_listener', 'attributes' => [ 'bind' => [ ['exchange' => 'foo_bar', 'routing_key' => '*'] ] ] ] ], 'publishers' => [ 'aPublisherName' => 'exchangeA' ], 'consumers' => [ 'aConsumerName' => [ 'queue' => 'queueB', 'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class ] ] ]
3.1. Publishing a message
Example of usage in code:
<?php /** * @var $app \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container * @var $publisher \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\PublisherInterface */ $publisher = $app->makeWith(PublisherInterface::class, ['aPublisherName']); $message = [ 'title' => 'Hello world', 'body' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', ]; $routingKey = '*'; $publisher->publish(json_encode($message), /* optional */$routingKey);
Optional, there is a command that can be used to publish a message.
php artisan rabbitmq:publish aPublisherName MyMessage
Note: At the moment, routing key in CLI is not supported.
3.2. Consuming a message
Consuming message should be done by running a command in deamon mode. While PHP is not intended to do that, you can use supervisor for that.
The flow of the consummer is rather simple:
CLI Consumers -> Get message -> Passes it to the message_processor
key from configuration.
A message processor is a class that implements NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor
interface. If you do no want to handle acknowledgement you can extend \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\AbstractMessageProcessor
which require implementation of processMessage(AMQPMessage $message): bool
You message_processor
key is runned by laravel's app
command for build of the class.
Start the message consumer/listener:
php artisan rabbitmq:consume aConsumerName
Running consumers with limit (it will stop when one of the limits are reached)
php artisan rabbitmq:consume aConsumerName --time=60 --messages=100 --memory=64
This tells the consumer to stop if it run for 1 minute or consumer 100 messages or has reached 64MB of memory usage.
3.3. Available commands
When running php artisan
a new namespace will be present:
Name | Description | Example |
rabbitmq:consume | Consummer command | php artisan rabbitmq:consume [consumer-name] --time=60 --messages=100 --memory=64 Where --time/messages/memory are optional. Default values are 60 seconds, 100 messages and 64MB of RAM usage |
rabbitmq:delete-all | Delete all queues, exchanges and binds that are defined in entities AND referenced to either a publisher or a consumer | |
rabbitmq:list | List all entities by type: publishers | consumers |
rabbitmq:publish | Publish one message using a consumer | php artisan rabbitmq:publish [publisher-name] message |
rabbitmq:setup | Creates all queues and exchanges | php artisan rabbitmq:setup or php artisan rabbitmq:setup --force . NOTE When using force, all queues and exchanges will be deleted first and then re-created. |
3.4. Custom Message Processor
At the current moment there is the posibility to either implement the MessageProcessorInterface
class or extend the AbstractMessageProcessor
When using the AbstractMessageProcessor
, you will have access to extra API than can be used in your processMessage()
protected function ack(AMQPMessage $message); protected function nack(AMQPMessage $message, bool $redeliver = true);
4. Contribute
You are free to contribute by submiting pull request or reporting any issue in Github. At the current stage of the project, no contribution procedure is defined.